All women art spaces as heterotopias
University of Helsinki, open panel at the Fourth Biennial Conference of the European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies (
One of the important elements of the women’s art movement emerging in the 1970s was the creation of all women art spaces. They existed for a longer period of time or just during one exhibition or even one performance. They were to offer an alternative to the unfriendly reality of male-dominated art world and aimed at creating an environment where women artists could address the experiences of women. The most famous of them – Womanhouse (Los Angeles 1972) – has already been thoroughly analysed. This panel seeks to explore much lesser known women art spaces functioning in different European countries. Its focus will be on the 1970s but proposals that deal with initiatives that were undertaken later are also invited. Papers are expected to analyse ideas, forms of their implementation and effects of these diverse heterotopias. The panel chair’s proposal to characterise all women art spaces as heterotopias is to be discussed.
Chair: Agata Jakubowska (Hab. Ph. D.), Associate Professor at Department of Art History, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (
All the submissions will be done with online abstract submission form:
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