Art & Science (Vienna, 26-27 Feb 15)
University of Vienna, Department of Art History (Austria), February 26 -27, 2015
Deadline: Dec 14, 2014
Art & Science: Conference on Empirical Methods in Art History and Visual Studies
Over the last decade we have been observing a new trend in the humanities towards the systematic use of empirical methods. Art History and especially Visual Studies are no exception to this trend. The new methods often stem from Psychology and Neurology or the Social and Computational Sciences. They include computational methods and questionnaires, as well as physiological measures, i.e. eye-tracking, facial electromyography (fEMG) and skin conductance response measurement (SCR/GSR) or electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The incorporation of these methods allows transcending disciplinary boundaries and introduces the humanities with new perspectives on existing theoretical assumptions. Especially, scholars concerned with topics that address the process of aesthetic perception and reception employ these new methodological approaches to gather new insights into theoretical paradigms. We would like to give these new approaches a platform and discuss a broad set of art (historical) questions beyond the limits of classical methodologies, including empirical research, theoretical considerations on methodology and art production that incorporates empirical methods. We invite proposals both from scholars and young researchers, as well as artists. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
– Cognitive Research in Art History
– Neuroarthistory
– Digital Art History
Please submit a short abstract (300 words), brief c.v. (two pages max.), and full contact information by Dec 14, 2014. Unfortunately travel costs cannot be reimbursed. Please direct your communication to: Laura Commare
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