Archaeology has always played a key role in the study of Mediterranean
civilizations. In addition, nowadays Archaeology is an important component of
development being a driving force of cultural tourism, significantly contributing to the
income of several if not all countries. This is the main rationale which brought to the
proposal for a 3-day advanced training course on Mediterranean Archaeology.
The initiative responds to the GID-EMAN’s fundamental mission of fostering science
and culture in the Mediterranean region and of promoting excellence and social
development, thereby attempting to be a driving force to human well being in countries
belonging to three continents. In view of its unique identity, which is a blend of biogenetic
unity and cultural diversity, the Mediterranean region is an ideal laboratory for shared
scientific and social sciences. The task outlined above fulfils a mission suited for the
Academies of Sciences and Humanities, providing an integrative vision of the cultural
challenges in the Mediterranean area.
The training course on Mediterranean Archaeology aims to be an opportunity for
advanced scientific training and sharing of experiences in archaeological conservation and
restoration. It is therefore conceived as a combination of frontal lectures and focused
seminars by eminent experts in the field of Archaeology (held at the Accademia Nazionale
dei Lincei), and practical training comprising teaching and hands-on activities focused on
specific conservation issues in a unique and ideal archaeological site, the palace of
Emperor Nero called the Domus Aurea.
The overall timetable will be articulated as follows:
Day 1 – Public session: conference(s) held by invited lecturers and specialists, chaired
by members of the Scientific Committee, with extensive general discussion.
Day 2 – Visit and hands-on experience at the Domus Aurea, with illustration of
relevant conservation and restoration issues, and discussion of technical
aspects by the specialists directly involved in the practical/laboratory
activities. This session is limited to the 44 invited trainees.
Day 3 – Public session: presentations and discussions articulated on (i) issues related
to conservation and restoration of archaeological sites, (ii) long term
perspectives in the conservation and management of archaeological sites,
and (iii) overview of the economic fallout of an archaeological endeavor.
The activities will involve the participation of:
– Keynote speakers and specialists who will deliver conferences/seminars
introducing the main themes of the workshop and the site visit at the Domus Aurea, and
will chair sessions. The same group will be in charge of organizing the discussion
seminars of Day 3, with active participation of the trainees.
– Trainees (max 44) must be at the post-doc level, already committed to Archaeology,
preferably under the age of 35, and with some professional experience. They will be
selected primarily among those indicated by the EMAN member Academies, that will be
invited to submit (up to) two candidates each. The trainees selected by the Scientific-
Organizing Committee will be eligible for a fellowship.
– Guest participants, limited to Day 1 and Day 3 (maximum of 40), as indicated by
the GID-EMAN, by the Scientific Committee, by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and
by the other partners.
Thus, the role of the constituency of EMAN will be important in two ways. The
selection of the 44 invited trainees will be based primarily on suggestions presented by the
EMAN member Academies. Moreover, GID-EMAN is the ideal Mediterranean forum not
only to advertise the initiative, but also to endorse the scientific calibre and the relevance
of the training course for the restoration and conservation of archaeological monuments
and artifacts of past human life and activities.
PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (tentative titles)
Day 1 – Monday, 8 October
9.30 Opening addresses (L. MAFFEI, G. DE’ GIOVANNI CENTELLES, A. CAPRON, … )
General introduction (L. GODART)
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Roman heritage in the Mediterranean region (M. BOUCHENAKI)
12.00 Roman culture from a historical-artistic view point (A. PASQUIER)
13.00 Lunch break
14.30 Preventive archaeology: building a model of intervention (S. DE CARO)
15.30 Analysis and preventive conservation of big monuments (G. CROCI)
16.30 Coffee break
16.50 Introduction to the visit at the Domus Aurea (E. LA ROCCA)
17.50 Video projection of R. Langenbach’s The Piranesi Project. A stratigraphy of
views of Rome (30’)
18.20 End of Day 1
Day 2 – Tuesday, 9 October
9.00 Transfer from the Academy to the Domus Aurea archaeological site
9.30 The Domus Aurea (M.R. BARBERA, F. FILIPPI, … ): visit and in-depth analysis of
consolidation, frescoes restoration, conservation, etc.
13.30 Lunch break
15.00 Visit to the headquarters of the Carabinieri, Department for the Protection of
Cultural Heritage, lecture by Commander Gen. P. MUGGEO – Visit of the
17.30 Archaeology and computer (P. MOSCATI)
18.30 End of Day 2
Day 3 – Wednesday, 10 October
9.00 Focus on Roman archaeology issues: urban form, monuments, etc. (A.
12.00 Open lectures
13.00 Closing of the course and lunch
Coach visit of ancient Rome, guided by a professional archaeologist.
For the morning of Thursday 11 October an optional exclusive visit is being organized by the
Scientific-Organizing Committee for the trainees who have decided to go back home in the afternoon.
Louis GODART (Chair), Linceo, Consultant of the Presidente della Repubblica Italiana (Rome)
Maria ANDREADAKI-VLAZAKI, Director General of the Department of Antiquities and Cultural
Azedine BESCHAOUCH, Special Advisor to the Director General of ICCROM, former Minister of
Mounir BOUCHENAKI, Special Advisor to the Director General of UNESCO, former ADG UNESCO
for Culture (Algiers)
Maurizio BRUNORI, Linceo, President of EMAN (Rome)
Stefano DE CARO, Director General, ICCROM (International)
Guglielmo DE’ GIOVANNI CENTELLES, Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo (Rome)
Maria Teresa JAQUINTA, ICCROM (International)
Eugenio LA ROCCA, Linceo, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome)
Luigi MALNATI, Director General of Antiquities, Ministry of Cultural Heritage (Rome)
Maurizio MELANI, Ambassador, Director General of the Promozione Sistema Paese, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (Rome)
Alain PASQUIER, Institut de France, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris)
Paolo SOMMELLA, Linceo, President of Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (Rome)
Catherine VIRLOUVET, Director of École française de Rome (Rome)
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, to provide facilities, personnel for the general
organisation, and lunch breaks.
Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo, to provide support for the trainees and for the
preparation of papers and technical manuals.
GID, to provide funds for travel of speakers and local expenses.
ICCROM, to provide the technical support and the logistics for the trainees.
Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Italy’s Minister of Cultural Heritage.
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