Appel à candidature : chercheur en résidence à l’Institut universitaire néerlandais d’histoire de l’art de Florence

The Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence (NIKI) offers a scholar-in-residency accommodation for a distinguished researcher in art history to spend time dedicated to his/her projects. A candidate for this accommodation will have an excellent international reputation in a field of research that is of relevance to the Institute.

 A scholar-in-residency will be offered :

– 4 month accommodation in the Dutch University Institute for Art  History in Florence, including standard housing utilities
– Access to the research library and photographic archives

During the period of residency the scholar is expected to :

– prepare a scholarly publication
– give public lectures at the Institute and/or
– assist with the current teaching activities at the Institute and/or
– participate with the organization of an international conference
– actively participate in the Institute’s scholarly community
– if relevant, create opportunities for collaboration between the Institute and one’s home university.

Availability :

Applications can be submitted at any time. There is no deadline for applications. Candidates are requested to indicate the period that they would like to be in residence

Application will include:

– a letter of application for the scholar-in-residency
– a proposal for the period of the scholar-in-residency, not to exceed  3 pages
– a CV
– name of editor/publisher of projected publication
– names of 2 colleagues from whom recommendations may be requested

Selection criteria :

– Research topic’s relevancy to the areas of focus promoted by the Institute
– Innovative nature and feasibility of proposed research
– Motivation for a residency at the Institute
– Quality and structure work plan
– potential contribution to the teaching activities at the Institute

Procedure :

– Applications must be submitted by email to the director of the Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence (

– Based on the selection criteria, the Director advises the chair and two members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute. Together they form the selection committee.

– The director informs the applicant on the outcome of the selection committee.


Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell’ Arte
Viale Torricelli 5
50125 Firenze
Tel. +39.055.221612 / Fax. +39.055.221106

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