Appel à candidature : « Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles »

Le Getty Research Institute à Los Angeles, proche du musée J. Paul Getty, propose une série de bourses annuelles pour les doctorants et les post-doctorants. Les boursiers poursuivent leurs recherches en relation avec le thème annuel de recherche proposé par l’Institut. Ils sont accueilli dans l’enceinte du Getty Research Institute. La résidence à l’Institut de recherche est obligatoire durant les neuf mois de la bourse (de mi-septembre à mi-juin). Les boursiers travaillent à partir des collections du Getty et participent aux activités de l’Institut. Les boursiers prennent aussi part aux réunions qui ont lieu une fois par semaine sur le thème annuel de recherche. Le thème choisi pour l’année prochaine sera « Connecting Seas: Cultural and Artistic Exchange »:

Water has long been a significant means for the movement of goods and people. Sophisticated networks, at a variety of scales, were established in antiquity around the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, and later in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Together with sporadic and accidental encounters, these networks fostered commerce in raw materials and finished objects, along with the exchange of ideas and cultural concepts. Far from being barriers, seas and oceans were vital links connecting cultures. The 2013–2014 academic year at the Getty Research Institute and Getty Villa will be devoted to exploring the art-historical impact of maritime transport.

How has the desire for specific commodities from overseas shaped social, political, and religious institutions? How has the introduction of foreign materials and ideas transformed local artistic traditions, and what novel forms and practices have developed from trade and other exchanges, both systematic and informal? What role do the objects born of these interactions have in enhancing cultural understandings or perpetuating misunderstandings? How has the rapidly accelerating pace of exchange in recent years influenced cross-cultural developments? The goal of this research theme is to explore how bodies of water have served, and continue to facilitate, a rich and complex interchange in the visual arts.

The Getty Research Institute and the Getty Villa invite proposals focusing on artistic exchange and the transmission of knowledge across bodies of water from ancient times to the present day. Scholars actively engaged in studying the role of artists, patrons, priests, merchants, and explorers in oceanic exchange are encouraged to apply, and projects focusing on the Pacific are particularly welcome.

Les boursiers doctorants reçoivent une bourse d’un montant annuel de 25.000 dollars et les post-doctorants, d’un montant annuel de 30.000 dollars. Ils bénéficient d’un espace de travail privatif dans l’Institut ou dans le « Getty Villa », un espace de logement dans le « Getty Scholar Housing Complex » et les frais de transport pour Los Angeles (aller-retour) sont pris en charge. Le date butoir pour ces bourses est 1 novembre, 2012.

Pour toute information sur ces bourses, voir:

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