Creating Markets, Collecting Art (London, 14-15 Jul 16) Christie’s, 8 King St, St. James, London SW1Y 6QT, UK, July 14 – 15, 2016
Deadline: Dec 7, 2015 2016
Conference: Creating Markets, Collecting Art Celebrating 250 years of Christie’s Collectors of Contemporary Art: Tastemakers or Market Makers?
Every summer for the last 24 years, ArtNews has published the ranking of the top two hundred collectors; a quick glance at the list reveals that a large number of these collectors are focusing either on modern and contemporary art or increasingly solely on contemporary art. If we understand the art world as a microcosm or a network of dependencies between a set of players who range from artists and critics to art dealers, collectors, curators, museum directors, auction houses and art historians; is it right to propose that at this particular moment in time, collectors are the authoritative voice in defining contemporary art? For the sake of the discussion, we have chosen to understand contemporary art as a loose category represented by artists from the end of the 20th century such as Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat as well as by living artists. The goal of the session is to provide insights on the role played by contemporary art collectors in the global art world and to assess if they are indeed the main taste and market makers. It hopes to contribute to renewed academic interest in collectors that institutions like the Frick Collection Center for the History of Collecting have been fostering. The following themes and questions represent some of the themes that could be addressed:
• Can we understand the rise of private museums as a manifestation of the collectors’ taste making power?
• Matronage: the role of women collectors.
• What role does the collectors play in bringing emerging artists into the main stream? • Do collectors have the authority to make markets or/and to inscribe the artists in the canon of art history?
• Who are the ‘glocal’ collectors? This session will be part of a two-day conference to commemorate the anniversary of the foundation of Christie’s auction house in 1766.
Organized by Christie’s Education, the theme of ‘Creating Markets and Collecting Art’ has been chosen to reflect a progressive, collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach to the study of works of art. The conference is designed to explore the interrelationship between commerce, collecting and the idea of the ‘academy’ and how this has evolved over time. There will be twelve sessions running across three sites, details of which can be downloaded from the webpage: We encourage you to submit a proposal to “Collectors of Contemporary Art: Tastemakers or Market Makers?” or any of the other sessions. Please send your proposal to the Session Convenors (listed at the top of each Session) by 7 December 2015. Papers should be 20-25 minutes in length and there will be 3-4 in each session, with time for discussion. Proposals should be accompanied by a brief biography and the whole submission not more than 250 words.
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