Colloque : « Second international meeting EAHN (European Architectural History Network) »

The time has come for scholars who share research and teaching objectives in architectural history to gather at a single pan-European meeting. In accordance with the EAHN mission statement, this meeting proposes to increase the visibility of the discipline, to foster transnational, interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the study of the built environment, and to facilitate the exchange of research results in the field. In 2010, the first EAHN conference was successfully held in Guimarães, Portugal. The second EAHN-conference will take place from May 31st to June 3rd in Brussels, in a distinguished historical venue; the Palais des Académies. Though the scope of the meeting is European, members of the larger scholarly community are invited to submit proposals related not only to Europe’s geographical framework, but also to its transcontinental aspects.
The main purpose of the meeting is to map the general state of research in disciplines related to the built environment, to promote discussion of current themes and concerns, and to foster new directions for research in the field.



To download an overview of the (preliminary) conference programme, click here

To download the preliminary version of the full conference programme, including names of speakers and abstracts, click here

Click on the title of the sessions listed below to download the session programme, including: list of speakers and abstracts

THURSDAY, 31 May 2012 [15.45 – 18.30]

The Classical Urban Plan: Monumentality, Continuity and Change
[session chairs: Daniel M. Millette & Samantha Martin-McAuliffe]

Open session: Layers of Time
[session chair: Mari Hvattum]

Travel of Men and Models: Interpreting, Collecting and Adapting French Art and Architecture in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries
[session chairs: Linnéa Rollenhagen Tilly & Linda Hinners]

Regionalism Redivivus. Do We Need a Closer Look?
[session chairs: Ricardo Agarez & Nelson Mota]

Postwar Instrumentalization of the Baroque in Europe and North America
[session chair: Andrew Leach]

Open Session: Housing, the State and Society since World War II
[session chair: Adrian Forty]

FRIDAY, 1 June 2012 [9.00 – 11.45]

Siege Views and the Representation of Cities in Early Modern Europe
[session chair: Pieter Martens]

Communicating Architecture: Working with Documents in Construction
[session chairs: Tilo Amhoff & Merlijn Hurx]

Architecture and Territoriality in Medieval Europe
[session chair: Max Grossman]

Open session: Memory, Identity, and Community in Architecture and Urbanism
[session chair: Susan Klaiber]

“Development” from the Periphery. Architectural Knowledge Exchange Beyond US/ Soviet Bipolarity, 1950s-1980s
[session chairs: Rachel Kallus & Łukasz Stanek]

Partnership in Creation
[session chairs: Tim Benton & Maristella Casciato]

FRIDAY, 1 June 2012 [15.45 – 18.30]

Court Residences in Early Modern Europe (1400–1700). Architecture, Ceremony, and International Relations
[session chairs: Konrad Ottenheym & Stephan Hoppe]

Urban Representations of the Temporal
[session chairs: Michael J. Schreffler & Nancy Stieber]

Worship, Liturgical Space and Church Building
[session chairs: Andrea Longhi & Esteban Fernández Cobián]

Politics and Architecture: Definitions, Methods, Possibilities
[session chairs: Christine Stevenson & Leslie Topp]

Open session: Transformations of Sources and Models in Design and Communicative Practice
[session chair: David Vanderburgh]

The Welfare State Project – Architectural Positions, Roles and Agencies
[session chairs: Tom Avermaete, Dirk van den Heuvel & Mark Swenarton]

SATURDAY, 2 June 2012 [9.00 – 11.45]

Across Geographies: Shifting Boundaries of Renaissance Architectural Historiography
[session chair: Sevil Enginsoy Ekinci]

New Ideas, New Models? Architectural Representation and Its Objects in the Twentieth Century
[session chairs: Mari Lending & Wallis Miller]

Clerical Ties: Architectural Networks and Networking in the Colonial Mission Field, c.1500-1960
[session chair: Alex Bremner]

Neither “Modernism” nor “Avant-Garde”: A Roundtable Discussion in Honor of the 90th Birthday of Alan Colquhoun
[session chairs: Patricia Morton & Can Bilsel]

The Way Back to an Altered Homeland: Remigration and Reemployment of Architects in Europe, 1935-1970
[session chairs: Georg Geml & Andreas Zeese]

Shaping a Middle Class Life: Architecture, Domestic Space and Building Programs since the Birth of Consumer Society
[session chairs: Filippo De Pieri & Paolo Scrivano]

SATURDAY, 2 June 2012 [14.00 – 16.45]

Islamic and Renaissance Gardens: A Case for Mutual Influence?
[session chairs: Mohammad Gharipour & Stephen Caffey]

Fusion Architecture From The Middle Ages To The Present Day: Incorporation, Confrontation Or Integration?
[session chairs: Brigitte Sölch & Erik Wegerhoff]

The Spoils of Architectural Training: Studying School Manuals, Teaching Handbooks and Exercises Sheets in Europe (Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries)
[session chair: Valérie Nègre]

Postmodernism – Theory and History
[session chair: Meredith Clausen]

Holidays After the Fall: History and Transformation of Socialist Holiday Resorts
[session chairs: Michael Zinganel & Elke Beyer]

Engineers and Counterculure
[session chair: Caroline Maniaque]


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