Journée d’étude : « Medieval Greek Liturgy and Liturgical Art: an exploration of the interaction between art and experience in religious life »

200px-meister_der_sophien-kathedrale_von_ohrid_0011The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies

and the British Museum present:

A Study Day on Medieval Greek Liturgy and Liturgical Art: an exploration of the interaction between art and experience in religious life


When:  Friday, October 31, 2014 from 930am until 445pm

Where:  Sackler Room B, British Museum

Programme:  There are six presentations of thirty minutes, each followed by a ten minute questions period, plus an introduction and a handling session of related objects by Museum Curator Chris Entwistle. The presenters are:


Professor Liz James (University of Sussex) – Introduction and Conclusion

Dr. Nadine Schibille (University of Sussex) – Liturgy in Space

Dr. Mary Cunningham (University of Nottingham) – Liturgical celebration of Mary, the Mother of God, in the Middle Byzantine period: the interaction between Church hymnography and devotional art

Arik Avdokhin (PhD Candidate, King’s College London) – Public Involvement in Early Byzantine (Para)Liturgical Practices: Participation in Hymns and Prayers in Churches and Elsewhere

Dr. Heather Hunter-Crawley (University of Bristol) – Mirroring Heaven – The Experience of Eucharistic Silverware in Early Byzantium

Dr. Cecily Hennessy (Christie’s Education) – Monumental decoration in relation to the liturgy

Professor Robin Cormack (University of Cambridge) – The 14th century icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy and the broader question of how to discover the use of icons in the liturgy


Fees and Reservations:  Reservations are essential because there is limited space.  The fee is £15 for SPBS members and £20 for all others.  Reservations can be made on the following link:

Any questions can be directed to:

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