PhD Position, Project Portraying Medieval Women, University of Fribourg

PhD Position, Project Portraying Medieval Women, University of Fribourg

Taux d’activité:  80-100%
Lieu / District: 

Fribourg, CH, Sarine, CH

Délai de postulation:  20.02.2023
Date d’entrée en fonction:  01.03.2023 ou à convenir
Type de contrat:  CDD

Qui sommes-nous?

The SNSF PRIMA Project Portraying Medieval Women: The Materiality of Female Images and Art Patronage in the Latin East (12th–15th centuries) (, hosted at the Chair of Medieval Art History at the University of Fribourg, offers a four-year doctoral position focused on female representations and patronage in Southern Italy under Latin rule (12th–15th century). Her/his dissertation will be dedicated in the compilation of a comprehensive catalogue of the extant material in the assigned territories.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

L’Etat-employeur encourage la conciliation vie professionnelle et vie privée et offre un environnement et des conditions de travail attractifs à ses collaborateur-trice-s. Pour en savoir plus, suivez ce lien.

Vos missions

  • The most important task of the PhD researcher will be the carrying out of original research and the completion of her/his dissertation. Moreover, she/he is expected to actively participate in all the project’s research activities and scientific events, such as workshops, conferences and research trips.

Profil souhaité

  • MA in Art History with specialization in Medieval or Byzantine Art
  • Proficiency in Italian
  • Very good language skills in English
  • Good command of French and/or German

For further information, you can contact the project’s PI, Asst. Prof. Rafca Nasr:

Date de publication:  30 janv. 2023
N° de référence:  617

Details and application:


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