Appel à candidatures : « Project Manager », ERC Advanced grant 2020 AGRELITA

Appel à candidatures : Project Manager, ERC Advanced grant 2020 AGRELITA

Dans le cadre du Projet ERC Advanced Grant 2020 AGRELITA, « The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities », dirigé par Prof. Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (Principal Investigator), un poste contractuel de Project Manager à temps plein (100%) est à pourvoir à compter du 01/09/2024.

AGRELITA est conduit à l’Université de Caen Normandie et se terminera le 30 septembre 2027.

Durée du contrat : 12 mois renouvelable


PROJET Jusqu’à . . . → En lire plus

Post-Doc pour le projet Agrelita (réception de la Grèce ancienne en France, 1320-1550)

Appel à candidatures : ERC Advanced grant AGRELITA TROIS POSTES DE POST-DOCTORANTS Dans le cadre du Projet ERC Advanced grant 2020 AGRELITA, « The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities », dirigé par Prof. Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (Principal Investigator), trois postes contractuels de post-doctorants à temps plein (100%) sont à pourvoir à compter du 01/10/2024. AGRELITA est conduit à l’Université de Caen Normandie et se termine le 30 septembre 2027. Durée du contrat pour chaque poste : 12 mois, renouvelable


PROJET L’histoire de la réception de la Grèce antique . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Construire, s’approprier, contester (Paris, 10 juin 2023)

Construire, s’approprier, contester.

L’usage du passé dans la communication politique


L’équipe des doctorant·es du Centre de recherche en histoire européenne comparée (CRHEC) a choisi pour thème de sa septième journée d’étude l’utilisation du passé dans la communication politique. Ouverte à tous les doctorant·es ou jeunes docteur·es ayant soutenu dans l’année, pour toutes les périodes, cette journée vise à partager objets et méthodes de recherche autour de situations où des acteurs ou groupes d’acteurs mobilisent le passé, ou du moins des lectures de celui-ci, pour atteindre des objectifs politiques, économiques – pour l’emporter, en somme, dans un rapport de forces.


Au cours du XIXe siècle, les historiens en pleine construction . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publications: Subversive Intrusions: Redefining the Museum Through Activist Interventions

Call for Chapter Proposals: Subversive Intrusions: Redefining the Museum Through Activist Interventions (Routledge, Series in Museology, 2025 possibly Open Access).

Deadline: Apr 8, 2024

The editors are looking for original chapters and shorter contributions (interviews, manifestoes, dialogues, etc.) for an interdisciplinary edited volume exploring the phenomenon of artistic and activist-lead intrusive performances in large European and American museums.

Beginning with the iconic suffragette attacks at the start of the 20th century, museums and galleriesーsymbolically and politically charged spaces serving as aesthetic repositories and public arenasーhave been utilized as highly visible platforms. Here, diverse aesthetic and political claims have been . . . → En lire plus

Bourse doctorale et postdoctorale, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz

The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut (KHI) invites applications for post-doctoral and pre-doctoral positions to start in June 2024 or thereafter for a period of one year, with the possibility of renewal.

[1] Post-doctoral Position Founded in 1897, the KHI is dedicated to the history of art and architecture in a transcultural and global perspective. It promotes methodologically innovative research, which looks to the future of the discipline and combines historical approaches with a critical engagement in contemporary debates.

We invite candidates from art history and adjacent disciplines to submit proposals that may relate to the research focusses of the Department of Gerhard Wolf “Image, Object, Site »; for example, along the . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Transnational Circulations of Devotional Objects between the Iberian World and Rome (Rome, 4-5 fév. 2025)

Transnational Circulations of Devotional Objects through Religious Orders – Between the Iberian World and Rome.

Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome, Feb 4–05, 2025 Deadline: May 15, 2024

The ProJesArt Research Group Agents: Jesuit Procurators and Alternative Channels for Artistic Circulation in the Hispanic World (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), in collaboration with Prof. Tristan Weddigen (Bibliotheca Hertziana), invite proposals from specialists on Italian material culture and Iberian and Latin American viceregal art to explore new methodological perspectives related to the transnational circulations of devotional objects that travelled between the Iberian world and Rome from the 16th to the 18th centuries.

As the epicenter of the Catholic world, Rome occupied a powerful place in . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : L’hygiène de l’artiste : soins du corps, représentations et pratiques artistiques à l’époque contemporaine, XIXe-XXe siècles (Besançon, 28-29 nov. 2024)

Appel à communication – Colloque L’hygiène de l’artiste : soins du corps, représentations et pratiques artistiques à l’époque contemporaine (XIXe-XXe siècles)

Date et lieu : Besançon, 28-29 novembre 2024 Date limite des propositions : 1er juin 2024

Si de nombreuses études dédiées à la physiologie de l’artiste ont exploré l’importance du corps du créateur et de ses mises en scène, l’ambition de ce colloque est d’interroger plus précisément le lien qui existent entre les artistes et les pratiques hygiéniques, les soins et les objets de l’entretien corporel afin d’élargir et d’approfondir notre compréhension des rapports entre corps et création artistique à l’époque contemporaine.

Il s’agira, notamment, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Courtly Experiences in the Premodern World, c. 1200-1800 (Olomouc, 22-24 aout 2024)

2024 Annual Conference Court studies

The Society is excited to announce the details for the 2024 annual conference and launch the official CFP. The conference theme is “Courtly Experiences in the Premodern World, c. 1200-1800: Cultural, Material and Sensory Experiences in the World of the Court”. The conference will be held at Palacký University Olomouc in Olomouc, Czechia from 22 – 24 August 2024. Organised by the European Branch Committee in partnership with Palacký University Olomouc and support from the Centre for Research on Courts and Residences of the Institute of History at the Czech Academy of Sciences, this interdisciplinary conference will explore the intersections and nuances of courtly experiences in physical, material and sensory terms. Full CFP details (including . . . → En lire plus

Poste : Deputy Chair of the European Branch of the Society for Court Studies.

Open Call for Deputy Chair of the European Branch of the Society for Court Studies.

The European branch of the Society for Court Studies is seeking to appoint a Deputy Chair. The European branch is dedicated to carrying out the Society’s mission to grow and develop a strong community of interdisciplinary scholars, support to all members – from early career researchers to independent scholars -, and the development of research and engagement opportunities in the field of court studies – in the broadest sense. More information about the Society can be found online at

As a voluntary, but important and visible, position of responsibility, the Deputy Chair will play a vital role in the . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Moving Forward in the Study of Iberian Global Art (Washington, 20-21 Sep 24)

SIGA/Seguir: Moving Forward in the Study of Iberian Global Art.

In partnership with Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (Harvard University) and the Embassy of Spain in the United States, the Society for Iberian Global Art (SIGA) will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies (SIGA’s predecessor) with a two-day conference interrogating scholarship on global Iberian art.

Organized around the themes of geographies, translations, circulation, and identities, and highlighting research spanning antiquity to the present day, the event will feature a roundtable debating current issues facing the field of global Iberian art (Friday, September 20) and four sessions (Saturday, September 21).

The first session (Geographies) seeks papers that engage with the theme of geographies, broadly defined, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : la représentation des stigmates (Falconara Marittima, 21-23 Nov 24)

The Image of the Stigmata. Incarnation and representation of faith in figurative and textual culture.

Curated by di Monica Bocchetta, Caterina Paparello, Lorenzo Turchi

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Mattia Biffis, Monica Bocchetta, Roberto Cobianchi, Patrizia Dragoni, Giovanni Maria Fara, Giovan Battista Fidanza, Luigi Gallo, Giovanni Giura, Roberto Lambertini, Ilaria Miarelli Mariani, Matteo Mazzalupi, Caterina Paparello, Letizia Pellegrini, Luca Pezzuto, Stefano Riccioni, Victor M. Schmidt, Lorenzo Turchi.

In the context of the VIII centenary of Sain Francis’s Stigmata a conference is promoted looking into the theme of the narration of stigmata in art and in written tradition, according to the advanced study of Chiara Frugoni and Alessio Monciatti, inter alia. The discussion is intended to examine the relation between the iconographic representations and the narrative tradition . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : archives de l’archéologie (Paris, 28-29 nov. 2024)

This workshop focuses on the archives of archaeology, as a stepping-stone for a renewed social, political, and cultural history of this discipline. In France, new perspectives on the archives of archaeology emerged under the impetus of the Archives of European Archaeology (AREA) project, funded by the European Commission from 1998 to 2008 and hosted at the National Institute for the History of Art (INHA)[1]. Since then, in France and elsewhere, archives have been increasingly used by archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and sociologists, and they have also been at the heart of various research and digitization projects, conferences, workshops, and publications[2]. An initial definition of the archives of archaeology has led to a better understanding of their diverse and plural nature, of the multiplicity . . . → En lire plus

Programme semaine séminaires Walter Melion

Lundi 11 mars 2024 18h00-20h00 – Galerie Colbert, Salle Vasari • Conférence de Walter Melion “In liefde ghetrau: Spiritual Fidelity and the Love of Art in Karel van Mander’s Nativity with Adoration of the Shepherds (ca. 1598)” Séance introduite et modérée par Michel Weemans (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) Accès : 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 – 1er étage / Séminaire du Collectif Renaissance 2023-2024

Mercredi 13 mars 2024 10h00-13h00 – Fondation Custodia • Séminaire, avec la collaboration de Walter Melion, Cécile Tainturier et Michel Weemans Accès : 121 rue de Lille, 75007 / Séminaire Master 1-2

15h30-17h00 – Grand Amphithéâtre, Institut d’Art et d’archéologie • Conférence de Walter Melion Cor Iesu / cor amantis: The Picturing Heart in Early Jesuit Emblem Books” Accès : 3 rue Michelet, 75006 / Entrée libre

. . . → En lire plus

Colloque international Walter Melion



sous la direction de Michel Weemans (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) et Ralph Dekoninck (UCLouvain) 15 mars 2024 AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE L’HiCSA Institut d’Études Avancées de Paris, Hôtel de Lauzun, 17 quai d’Anjou, 75004 Paris


09H45 : Accueil – Introduction : Ralph Dekoninck (UCLouvain) et Michel Weemans (Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne)

10H00 : Ingrid Falque (UCLouvain) : « The Stained Glass Windows of the Great Cloister of the Leuven Charterhouse: Between Memoria and Spiritual Edi ication? »

10H30 : Esther Guillaume (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) : «“Na de kunst geleid” : perception as pictural matter in Rembrandt’s Christ appearing to Mary-Magdalene »

11H00 : Pierre-Antoine Fabre (EHESS) : « Walter Melion, lecteur de Nadal »

11H30 : Discussion

12H10-13H00 . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : New Perspectives on Life Drawing (online/London, 20-21 Jun 24)

New Perspectives on Life Drawing (online/London, 20-21 Jun 24)

Online/The Courtauld Institute of Art, Vernon Square, London, Jun 20–21, 2024 Deadline: Mar 22, 2024

Pose, Power, Practice: New Perspectives on Life Drawing.

From the sixteenth century to the present, drawing the human body from life has remained a mainstay of Western institutional art practice. Despite significant shifts in the aesthetics, media, and purpose of art over the last five hundred years, life drawing endures in both the studio and the classroom.

Pose, Power, Practice is a one-day symposium that seeks to reassess the state of the field on life drawing and apply . . . → En lire plus

3 PhD Positions, eikones, University of Basel

3 PhD Positions, eikones, University of Basel

University of Basel, eikones, Sep 1, 2024–Aug 31, 2028 Application deadline: Mar 27, 2024

Call for Applications for 3 PhD Positions in the fields of history, art history, musicology, philosophy, German literature, architectural history, English, media studies, and Egyptology.

100%, Start date September 1, 2024 Application Due Date: March 27, 2024

The eikones Graduate School at the Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel invites applications for three positions for doctoral study on the theory and history of the image for four years beginning September 1, 2024. Since 2005, eikones has served as a center for . . . → En lire plus

Bourse : Census Fellowship in the Reception of Antiquity, Berlin/Rome/London

Census Fellowship in the Reception of Antiquity, Berlin/Rome/London

Humboldt-Universität (Berlin), Bibliotheca Hertziana (Rome), Warburg Institute (London) Application deadline: Apr 30, 2024


The Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, and the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London, are pleased to announce a fellowship in Berlin, Rome, and London, offered at either the predoctoral or postdoctoral level. These fellowships grow out of the longstanding collaboration between the Humboldt, the Hertziana, and the Warburg in the research project Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance (

The fellowships extend the traditional chronological boundaries of the Census and are intended for research and intellectual exchange on . . . → En lire plus

Renaissance Principles and Their Early Modern Receptions (Prague, 11-12 Jun 24)

Renaissance Principles and Their Early Modern Receptions

Prague, Jun 11–12, 2024 Deadline: May 10, 2024

The international two-day workshop for PhD students, post-docs and early career researchers focuses on the Renaissance as the key to the transformation of European art and society on the threshold of modern times. The normative approach often left aside contemporary regionalisms or local appropriations living apart from the main European currents.

We are interested in the problem of 1. New research on the arts and architecture of the Renaissance 2. Aspects of the Renaissance in Central Europe: modalities of receptions and appropriations 3. The reception and historiography of the Renaissance in the 18th, 19th and 20 centuries.

The program is composed from the lectures with discussion (11th June) . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : After the Middle Ages: Architecture and Medievalism (Rome, 18-19 Nov 24)

After the Middle Ages: Architecture and Medievalism (Rome, 18-19 Nov 24)

Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome, Nov 18–19, 2024 Deadline: Mar 31, 2024

“After the Middle Ages” implies both a temporal horizon, extending from the early modern period to the present day and beyond, and responses to the Middle Ages (medievalism). The conference aims to navigate and shine a spotlight on the historical interactions between these responses and architecture, encompassing attitudes towards the medieval built environment, remnants of the Middle Ages, and practices of reception and revival. Response to the past does not naturally serve as an epistemic point of departure for architectural history. The discipline’s methods lean towards comprehending the pre-existing, often idealised as a coveted “original”, to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : « Trouble dans le visuel. Ambiguïtés de genre et de sexe dans les arts et les sciences, des Lumières à Stonewall »

Appel à contribution : « Trouble dans le visuel. Ambiguïtés de genre et de sexe dans les arts et les sciences, des Lumières à Stonewall »

Théia. Revue d’histoire et d’histoire de l’art. Numéro coordonné par Damien Delille et Emmanuelle Retaillaud.

Date de rendu des propositions : 12 avril 2024Date de rendu des articles définitifs : 30 août 2024Retour du comité de rédaction : 18 octobre 2024Publication : Printemps 2025Dans la continuité de la journée d’études qui s’est déroulée à Lyon en janvier 2024, cet appel à contribution souhaite poursuivre la réflexion engagée en se proposant de l’approfondir d’un point de vue historique . . . → En lire plus