Colloque : « The Art of Sculpture 1100–1550 : Sculptural Reception » (2-4 novembre 2012, Philadelphie)

Leading scholars and curators of medieval art examine the uses of medieval sculpture—liturgical, paraliturgical, domestic, civic, private, and public—and discuss the affective, social, economic, and artistic responses these works of art engendered. Presentations also consider questions of influence on later works of art as well as the modern reception of medieval sculpture, including issues of display, museography, and conservation.

The Anne d’Harnoncourt Symposium 2012 was organized by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the History of Art Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. Generous support for the event was provided by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, the Henry Moore Foundation, and Maude de Schauensee. Additional support was provided by the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Arts & Sciences, Provost’s University Research Fund, Center for Ancient Studies, Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures, Department of Spanish, and Department of French.

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