The International Colloquium “Medieval Europe in motion” is directly linked to the current postdoctoral research projects of Dr. Maria Alessandra Bilotta on «Portuguese juridical manuscripts production and illumination between 14th and 15th centuries and theirs connections with manuscripts production and illumination in the French “Midi” (specially Toulouse, Avignon and Montpellier) and in the North-Mediterranean regions (Italy and Cataluña)» and by Alicia Miguélez on «The gesture language in the Lorvão Apocalypse and its rapports with other beatus manuscripts».
It is also related to other on-going investigations on cultural and artistic circulation during the Middle Ages carried out by the Research Group <Medieval Texts and Images>, coordinated by Prof. Maria Adelaide Miranda at the Institute for Medieval Studies of the Nova University (Lisbon)
The main objective of this initiative is to analyze the influence of circulation, motion and mobility of people, forms and ideas on the artistic creation during the Middle Ages. This is not a completely new topic in the field of Medieval Art Studies as several scientific events have already been organized in the past years on this topic. This Colloquium aims thus to conduct a critical and constructive revision of these matters, proposing new questions to be discussed.
Programme :
Session 1: The Phenomenon of Circulation and Mobility in Medieval Europe
Aires Augusto Nascimento – Keynote speaker
Medieval Latin Philology – Full Professor at the University of Lisbon
« O livro (Ir)radiante constructor da Europa
Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues
History – Professor at the University of Lisbon
“Royal Marriages and the Circulation of People and Ideas Across Medieval Europe”
Graça Videira Lopes
Literature – Associate Professor at the Nova University – Lisbon
Flávio Miranda
History – Postdoc Researcher – Nova University – Lisbon
“Trade and Cultural Change in the late Middle Ages”
Session 2: Patrons and Promoters
Maria Victoria Herráez Ortega – Keynote speaker
History of Art – Full Professor at the University of León- Spain
History of Art and Musicology – Postdoc Researcher – Nova University-Lisbon
« A Bíblia do Abade. Manuscrito 455 da abadia de Alcobaça »
History of Art – PhD Researcher – Nova University – Lisbon
“Livro de Horas dito de D. Leonor: leitura iconográfica das margens e sua relação com o doador
Marco Cursi
Codicology- Dipartimento di Storia, Culture e Religioni – Sapienza-Universitá di Roma
« I copisti e la biblioteca di Francesco Petrarca »
Session 3: Artists and material authors
Manuel Castiñeiras – Keynote speaker
« Framing the art of 1200 from the Mediterranean: travelling artists and circulation of models”
Jean-Marie Guillouët
History of Art – Associate Professor
Institut National d’ Histoire de l’ Art (INHA), Paris – Université de Nantes
« R&D project, 2009-2013 : Transferts et circulations artistiques dans l’Europe gothique (XIIe-XVIe siècle) – INHA (Paris), universités de Liège et Toulouse »
« Les transferts artistiques dans l’Europe gothique : entre circulations matérielles, resémantisation des formes et requalification des savoir-faire »
Jorge Rodrigues
History of Art – Curator
Museum of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation-Lisbon
“Os artistas e os estaleiros de obra na Idade Média: o caso do Românico em Portugal”
Session 4: The circulation of models
Christian Heck –Keynote speaker
History of Art – Full Professor
Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion – UMR 8529 – CNRS
Université Charles de Gaulle – Lille 3
“La vie des motifs, des thèmes, des types : le principe des affinités et la question du modèle en iconographie”
Ludovico Geymonat
Marie Curie Researcher
Biblioteca Hertziana – Rome
“Travel Drawings from the 13th Century”
Isabel Escandell Proust
History of Art- University of Illes Balears
« La réception et adoption de modèles dans les Bibles catalanes du XIIIè siècle »
Chiara Ruzzier
Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidental (LAMOP) – UMR – 8589 – CNRS
“Les manuscrits de la Bible au XIIIe siècle: modèles, itineraires, receptions”
Esther Lozano
History of Art- Spanish Distance Education University (UNED)
Member of the <Templa> Research Group
« Disponer historias para componer programas: Modelos y creación escultórica en ábsides del tardorrománico hispano »
Maria Alessandra Bilotta
History of Art
Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidental (LAMOP) – UMR – 8589 – CNRS – Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne
Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Universidade Nova – Lisboa
« Maîtres du Midi de la France et culture méditerranéenne : voyages d’artistes et circulation de modèles entre sculptures, enluminures, tapisseries et vitraux (XIVe –XVe siècles) »
Session 5: Circulation of works
Pedro Flor – Keynote Speaker
History of Art – Associate Professor
Assistant Director of the Research Institute of History of Art – Nova University – Lisbon
History of Art and Archeology
Centre for Archaeological Studies – Universities of Coimbra and Porto
“Transferência e circulação artística na Europa entre os séculos XII-XVI: agentes, modelos e técnicas”.
Luis Urbano Afonso
History of Art – Associate Professor
Faculdade de Letras – University of Lisbon
“Os marfins afro-portugueses do século XV/inícios séc. XVI”
Catarina Barreira
History of Art – Postdoc Researcher
Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Nova University – Lisbon
“O impacto do nomadismo artístico na decoração iluminada de um missal alcobacense (Alc. 26)”
Ana Lemos
History of Art – PhD Researcher
Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Nova University – Lisbon
Le livre d’heures de D. Duarte et la circulation de modèles
Alicia Miguélez Cavero
History of Art
Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Universidade Nova – Lisbon
“The Navarre Beatus: a 12th Century Manuscript in Motion During the Later Middle Ages”
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