Le thème du prochain congrès international de médiévistique de Leeds, en 2014, a pour thème « Empire ». Le projet Art-Hist aimerait à cette occasion explorer le thème de l’art impérial à travers le titre suivant : “Images et formes impériales: approches historiques et historiographiques » afin de tenter de répondre à quelques questions : a-t-il existé un « art impérial » aux époques carolingiennes et ottoniennes ? Commet peut-il être défini ? Dans l’art médiéval, comment est suggérée ou évoquée l’idée d’empire ? Comment fonctionne dans l’oeuvre d’art ce principe d’évocation ? Comment les empereurs ont-ils utilisé ces formes et ces images pour la construction de leur pouvoir et de leur histoire ?
Call for contribution – IMC Leeds 2014
The Art-Hist project will organize in July 2014 two sessions during the next International Medieval Congress in Leeds (UK). The platform ART-HIST is designed as a structure of « virtual symposium » in which an original paper is proposed as support of discussions and exchanges between the members of a community of researchers invited to exchange on artistic creation from Antiquity to Modern times. A moderator assures the flow of exchanges between the participants to the virtual symposium, leads the debate and writes the synthesis of discussions. As a conclusion, the diptych article-synthesis is published on-line and becomes accessible to Internet users.
The theme of the next IMC is “Empire”; that’s why the Art-Hist project would like to explore topics dealing with “Imperial images and shapes: historical and historiographical approaches” and try to answer some questions: Does an imperial art exist during Carolingian or Ottonian Empire? How can it be defined? What can recall or evoke, in medieval works of art, the idea or concept of Empire? How does this principle of evocation work in artistic creation? How did emperors use these forms or images to build their own power and history?
Submission guidelines
Proposals (title and abstract) have to be sent
before August, 25th
to Estelle Ingrand-Varenne (estelle.ingrand.varenne@univ-poitiers.fr)
and Vincent Debiais (vincent.debiais@univ-poitiers.fr).
Papers can be published after the IMC in the framework on the Art-Hist platform (http://art-hist.edel.univ-poitiers.fr).
Papers will be evaluated by Art-hist project’s members.
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