Appel à communication pour le CAA : « Orginal copies : Art and the Practice of Copying »

jean-simeon-chardin-jeune-dessinateurOriginal Copies (CAA, New York, 11-14 Feb 15)

New York, February 11 – 14, 2015
Deadline: May 9, 2014

College Art Association 103rd Annual Conference

Panel: Original Copies: Art and the Practice of Copying

Technologies of copying – printing, casting, digital duplication – have always engendered debates about artistic authorship and invention.

Copying can be viewed as a debasement and as creative praxis. Albrecht Dürer complained about copyists but also advised young

artists learning copy the work of good masters until you attain a free Copying can also produce originality.

Andy Warhol’s copies of Brillo Boxes expose this paradox, asking (in Arthur Danto’s words), “What is the difference between

two things, exactly alike, one of which This session seeks papers addressing techniques and functions of

artworks that copy other objects (drawings, prints, casts, rubbings, photographs) produced from the early modern period to

today, as well as the legal, ethical, philosophical, and ontological issues embedded in copying. Covering a wide temporal and

material range, the session aims to encourage a broader dialogue about the problematic status of the copy in the history of art.

Proposals should be sent to Stephanie Porras ( – please include a completed session participation proposal

form, an abstract of one to two double spaced typed pages, CV with current contact information.

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