Posté par Sébastien Bontemps, le 12 février 2015:
- Date limite : 15 octobre 2015
American Art in Translation Book Prize
Deadline: Aug 3, 2015
The Terra Foundation for American Art,
in partnership with Yale
University Press, is offering a
new prize for an unpublished manuscript
or previously published manuscript in a language other
than English written by a non-U.S. author.
The manuscript should make a significant
contribution to scholarship on the historical visual arts
of what is now the geographic United States.
In helping to overcome the language barrier that often divides scholars
and deters international research and collaboration, the prize aims to
advance and internationalize scholarship on American art and seeks to
recognize original and thorough research, sound methodology, and
significance in the field. The award is especially intended to encourage
authors who take the field of American art history into new historical
and interpretive terrain, or who establish connections among the work of
scholars within and outside the United States, providing a model of
international exchange important to sustaining relevance and academic
rigor for the future of the field.
The winner will receive a $5,000 cash prize; the Terra Foundation will
fund production of the book, which will be published (in print and
electronic form) in English by Yale University Press. In addition, Yale
University Press will invite the winner to present a lecture on the
book, upon publication, at Yale University. Scholars who have received
PhDs within the past five years are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applicants must submit a letter of inquiry by August 3, 2015. The
deadline for the receipt of completed applications is October 15, 2015.
For more information about application guidelines and the application
process, schedule, and checklist, please visit the Yale University Press
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