Appel à communication : le 34e Congrès du CIHA (Pékin, 15-22 septembre 2016)

Capture d’écran 2015-04-13 à 21.22.01The Chinese CIHA Committee will host the 34th CIHA World Congress of Art History in Beijing and invites art historians from all over the world to attend and discuss « Terms ».
Art and cultural historians from all over the world, from a vast cross-section of disciplines and fields of professional interest are called upon to discuss together ways of seeing, describing, analyzing and classifying art works. The topics are divided into 21 sections. The sections should enable comparisons to be made between different viewpoints and methods. Each panel will compose a program reflecting the CIHA’s commitment to the idea of diversity, which should allow talks on different genres, epochs and countries to be brought together.
Pour plus d’information :

The Call for Papers ends on June 30, 2015. Please submit the abstract of your paper directly to the chairs with copy to

Liste des sessions

Session 1:  Words  and  Concepts
Session 2:  The  Rank  of  Art
Session  3:  Imagination  and  Projection
Session 4:  Appreciation  and  Utility
Session 5:  Self-­‐Awareness  or  Self-­‐Affirmation
Session 6:  Politics  of  Identity:  Tradition  and  Origin
Session 7:  Translation  and  Change
Session 8:  Art  and  Taboo
Session 9:  Autonomy  and  Elusion
Session  10:  Gendered  Practices
Session  11:  Landscape  and  Spectacle
Session  12: Garden  and  Courtyard
Session  13:  Transmission and  Adoption
Session  14:   The  Other  and  the  Foreign:  Contact,  Curiosity,  and  Creative  Exchange
Session  15:  Creative  Misunderstanding
Session  16:  Commodity  and  Market
Session 17 : Display
Session 18: Media and Visuality
Session  19:  History  of  Beauty  vs.  History  of  Art
Session 20: Professional Education and Aesthetic Education
Session  21:  Connecting  Art  Histories  and  World  Art

Pour le contenu de l’appel à candidature de chaque session, voir le site du CIHA.

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