L’Università degli studi di Genova offre un contrat doctoral de trois ans à un étudiant étranger pour mener ses recherches de thèse en histoire et en histoire de l’art du moyen-âge à l’époque contemporaine.
Les conditions d’admission sont accessibles ici ; les candidatures, après inscription sur le site dédié se font en ligne avant le 13 juin 2017.
The University of Genoa’s PhD course in the Study and valorisation of the historical, artistic-architectural and environmental heritage offers a three-year fully-funded PhD bursary for students to pursue studies for a PhD and who have obtained a Master Degree from a foreign University.
Number of grants reserved: 1
Annual gross amount of the grant: € 13.638,47.
Comparative assessment procedure: qualifications/publications and exam (written test and interview).
Research themes :
History of Europe in medieval, modern and contemporary age in its different expressions (e.g. political-institutional history, history of territory, maritime history, gender studies, military, cultural and religious history);
Interaction amongst social, political, economic phenomena and communication through artistic forms;
Study of the artistic and historical heritage and architectural artefacts (e.g. iconological studies; analysis of technical processes in defining problems relating to historical-artistic and architectural artefacts; methodologies for the knowledge and preservation of the cultural heritage;
Analysis of the artistic object according to its formal components and in relation with the territory.
Informations complémentaires :
prof. Maria Clelia Galassi: mcgalassi@lettere.unige.it
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