Appel à contribution : « Anthropology, ethnography, and artistic praxis »

Anthropology, ethnography, and artistic praxis






Journal of Art and Anthropology / Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia

The upcoming special issue of Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia (Journal of Art and Anthropology, CadernosAA) – “Anthropology, ethnography and artistic praxis” – aims to make a contribution to the ongoing reflection on the relations between art, ethnography and anthropology, drawing on the work of social scientists and artists alike, within their respective fields of knowledge and expression.

Artistic practices are a sophisticated way for the analysis and comprehension of today’s world, allowing access to the multiple senses of agency, and projects of different social agents.

Proposals for publication within the various sections of the journal (Articles, Audio-visual essays, Ethno-arts, Field diaries, Review essays) should consider at least one of the following aspects, which reflect some of the current trends of the academic discussion of the links between art and anthropology:

1) The understanding of art as a system of action (Gell), and the way such a perspective may contribute to the analysis of art-worlds (Becker) and their networks of intentionality, comprising the contexts of production, circulation and reception of artistic work.

2) Questioning of the methodological “traffic” between art and anthropology, with regard to anthropology’s “relational” practices and its representation of the “Other” (Schneider e Wrigth).The upcoming special issue of Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia (Journal of Art and Anthropology, CadernosAA) – “Anthropology, ethnography and artistic praxis” – aims to make a contribution to the ongoing reflection on the relations between art, ethnography and anthropology, drawing on the work of social scientists and artists alike, within their respective fields of knowledge and expression.

Guest editors: Sonia Vespeira de Almeida e Ilka Boaventura Leite


Contact : cadernosaa[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]br

Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia (Journal of Art & Anthropology) is a biannual peer-review journal focusing on the contact zones between the social sciences and the arts. The journal publishes ‘conventional’ scientific articles as well as other contribution types (textual, audiovisual or multimedia) that don’t normally fit within the established rules of academic publishing, this provided that they are apt to make a significant contribution to the debate on and the questioning of the borders of the scientific and the artistic, the analytic and the synthetic, the visual and the textual. We want to be a forum for: (a) visual artists whose work encounters ethnography, anthropology or sociology on a conceptual and/or methodological level; and (b) social scientists who seek proximity to the visual as an empirical, conceptual and experiential sphere. The journal gives preference to contributions which demonstrate a clear anthropological or sociological focus in methodological, conceptual, empirical or theoretical terms. Submissions that do not fit within these fields will still be considered by the editorial board if of outstanding quality.

We accept articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

The journal aims to put into practice the idea drawn from the so-called anthropological ‘crises of representation’: opening up the boundaries established by academic writing considered to be the restrictive outcome of a misleading concept of ‘objectivity’, at the same time overcoming the cleavage between ‘description’ and ‘analysis’ that has often come to cause disregard in relation to different representational forms of knowledge within the established and institutionalized sciences. Visual Anthropology has played a particularly decisive role within this context. However, its promising experiments – which generated not only a ‘New Wave’ in cinematic forms, but also the reassessment of ‘classical’ anthropological theory – require an open and diverse space to be able to foster an effective dialogue between the praxis and theory of an anthropology of/with images.

Notwithstanding, this is not a journal exclusively or preferably dedicated to visual anthropologists. TheCadernosAA intends to be a forum which turns public ‘classical’ ethnographies as much as those ethnographies which normally do not fit neatly into the frameworks of academic publishing. On that note, the CadernosAA opens up its pages for the established and transboundary genres of representation, independently of the medium through which those seek to give expression to ethnographic insights.



  • Maria Rosário Gonçalves de Carvalho, UFBA
  • Peter Anton Zoettl, CRIA-IUL/NAVBA
  • Ricardo Oliveira Campos, CEMRI (Univ. Aberta), Portugal, Comissão Editorial (2012)
  • Cláudia Vaz, ISCSP
  • Fernando Paulino, ISMAI
  • Francesca Cozzolino, iiAC/EHESS
  • Jacques Ibanez-Bueno, Univ. de Savoie
  • Julieta Leite, Univ. Paris Descartes Sorbonne
  • Luciano Spinelli, Univ. Paris Descartes Sorbonne
  • Pedro Andrade, FCSH-UNL
  •  Sonia Vespeira de Almeida, CRIA-UNL


For further information please view: Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia (you can change the site language to ‘English’ on the top right corner of the page).

contact : Francesca Cozzolino
francesca [point] cozzolino (at) libero [point] it

Ricardo Campos
rmocampos (at) [point] br

source :  « Anthropologie, ethnographie et pratiques artistiques », Appel à contribution, Calenda, publié le lundi 30 juillet 2012,


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