Agnolo Bronzino (Zurich, Lugano, Florence / online, 21-25 Nov 22)
Deadline: Nov 23, 2021
« Doppio tributo ad un sol nome »: tribute to Agnolo Bronzino on the 450th anniversary of his death
The Research Centre for European Philological Tradition has decided to pay tribute to the Florentine painter and poet Agnolo Bronzino on the 450th anniversary of his death. During the week of 21 to 25 November 2022, a major conference and a series of collateral events will be organised, in hybrid mode (via Zoom and in person) between Zurich, Lugano and Florence.
November 2022 will be an opportunity to take stock of the historiography of the poet-painter and to stimulate a renewed critical-philological reading of Bronzino’s work. Invited lecturers and researchers with experience of Bronzino’s verse and young scholars will take part in the conference.
All those interested in participating as speakers are requested to send their proposal accompanied by a short abstract (max 500 words) and a list of at least 5 publications on the subject (no later than midnight on 23 November 2021 to, indicating their field of activity, according to this scheme:
– THE PAINTER: new interpretations and attributions; the Pontormo-Bronzino-Allori line; the Accademia del Disegno; Bronzino outside Florence.
– THE POET: Throughout his life Agnolo Bronzino pursued the honours of the laurel, as documented by the two manuscripts, some of them autographs, in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence, that contain almost his entire poetical production: the first, intended for serious poetry, is entitled « Delle rime del Bronzino Pittore libro primo »; the second is entitled « Le Rime in burla del Bronzino Pittore ».
The conference organised by the Research Centre for European Philological Tradition aims to investigate both Bronzino’s complete rhymes production and his links with other intellectuals of his time, such as Laura Battiferri and Benedetto Varchi.
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