appel à communication : Autour de l’icône. L’Œuvre artistique de Jerzy Nowosielski (Paris, 13-14 sept. 2023)

Call for Conference Papers: « Autour de l’icône. L’Œuvre artistique de Jerzy Nowosielski »

Dear Scholars and Researchers,

The Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Polish Library in Paris are pleased to announce an open call for papers for our upcoming conference, « Autour de l’icône. L’Œuvre artistique de Jerzy Nowosielski » (pl. « Wokół ikony. Twórczość Jerzego Nowosielskiego »,  eng. « Surrounding the icon. The work of Jerzy Nowosielski »), scheduled to be held on the 13th and 14th of September 2023 at the Polish Library in Paris.
This conference commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jerzy Nowosielski, a highly esteemed contemporary painter of icons. In recognition of Nowosielski’s profound artistic contributions, the Polish Parliament has officially designated 2023 as the Year of Jerzy Nowosielski. Nowosielski’s unique artistic language skillfully intertwines the realms of the sacred and the profane. The conference aims to explore the intricate relationship between art and religious experience, with a particular focus on Nowosielski’s theology and the recontextualization of secular and sacred influences within his body of work.

We invite scholars and researchers to submit abstracts for consideration. The conference will be conducted in Polish, French, and English. Selected participants will be given the opportunity to deliver a 30-45 minute presentation on a topic of their choice that aligns with the conference theme.

We seek submissions that critically engage with Nowosielski’s artistic vision, exploring topics such as:

  • Nowosielski’s theological perspective and its manifestation in his artwork
  • The interplay between sacred and secular influences in Nowosielski’s oeuvre
  • Comparative analyses of Nowosielski’s iconography in relation to other artists or traditions
  • The role of Nowosielski’s artwork in shaping religious experiences and practices
  • The significance of Nowosielski’s artistic legacy in contemporary art and theology

We kindly ask interested participants to submit an short description of their proposed presentation in French, Polish or English to by July 31st 2023. Please include your name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), and contact information in the submission.

Accepted speakers will receive an honorarium as a token of our appreciation for their time and commitment.

For any inquiries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to providing assistance and ensuring the success of our conference.
We eagerly await your positive response and the opportunity to welcome you to our event.

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