The College Art Association (l’équivalent de l’APAHAU,mais à dimension américaine, et aussi avec un autre degré de participation et d’implication de ses membres 🙂 !) a ouvert les appels à participation aux différentes sessions qui auront lieu lors du colloque de New York (13-16 février 2013). De multiples tables rondes très intéressantes (French Art 1715-1789 p. 2; Medieval art and response p. 8; Inventories and catalogues p. 9; and so on …).
Il est aussi possible de proposer des posters. Et les résumés des communications du 100e colloque de Los Angeles (février 2012) sont téléchargeables (pour le prix de 35 $ … )
The Annual Conference Committee invites CAA members to participate in the meeting by either chairing a program session or presenting a paper at a program session. Conference sessions cover the breadth of current thought and research in art, art and architectural history, theory and criticism, pedagogical issues, museum and curatorial practice, conservation, and developments in technology.
Propose a Paper or Presentation for 2013
The deadline to propose a paper for the 101st Annual Conference in New York is May 4, 2012. You may download and view the twenty-five-page 2013 Call for Participation, which gives session titles, names the chairs, describes each session’s content, and provides a timeline for chairs and panelists. The document also includes information about the Open Forms panels.
Propose a Poster Session for 2013
The deadline for the submission of proposals for Poster Sessions at the 101st Annual Conference in New York, which takes place February 13–16, 2013, is May 4, 2012.
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