Appel à publication : Notes on Early Modern Art (Vol.1, n°1, mars 2014)

Sandro Botticelli, Le Printemps, détail de Zephyr et Flora, iNotes on Early Modern Art is a peer reviewed journal published biannually by Zephyrus Scholarly Publications LLC. The journal comprises short-length notes, articles, and book reviews. We accept submissions that deal with any aspect of the history of Early Modern art, approximately 100 to 3,500 words in length and accompanied by no more than four illustrations. Authors are solely responsible for obtaining copyright clearance of images and are expected to provide copies of pertaining documentation to the editor upon acceptance of their work.
Notes on Early Modern Art adheres to the Chicago Style citation format. We only accept original work that is not under consideration elsewhere and which has not been published previously. The submission review process consists of a double blind review and is completed in approximately two to three months, at which time authors are notified of our decision and provided with comments and recommendations. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. Book reviews are assigned by the editor and are usually 700 to 800 words in length. Submissions and/or queries should be sent to the editor via email at

Below is a partial table of contents for our inaugural issue of  Notes on Early Modern Art, to be published in March. For further information, please visit our website.

Our search for short articles is ongoing. Please consider submitting your work to us. Instructions on submissions are available at our site.

Notes on Early Modern Art
Vol. 1, n° 1

Sommaire partiel :

Liana De Girolami Cheney, Guglielmo Marcilla’s Images of the Virgin Mary:  Mystical and Visual Splendor.

Joseph Manca, Giorgio Vasari, Donatello, and Modernism.

Katherine A. McIver, Building Anew: Margarita of Austria Builds a New Palazzo in Aquila.

Kimberlee A. Cloutier-Blazzard, Deconstructing Feminine Civility: Counter-Portraits of Élite Women by Jan Steen.


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