Appel à publication pour le 4e numéro de « MDCCC 1800 »

524522_355383464541465_1391411468_nArticles for the 4th number of MDCCC 1800

Deadline: Mar 29, 2015

This year as well MDCCC 1800
organizes a call for papers to collect articles
for the 4th number of the review to be
published on the second half of 2015.

We are glad to receive articles (in italian, english, french, german and
spanish) about art history of XIX century (art collecting, sculpture,
painting, architecture, photography, restoration).

At this page ( you can find
our publishing rules in italian and english for text and images.

All articles have to be uploaded before 29 March 2015 registering at Ca'
Foscari web edition (

For any question, please contact us at

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