Colloque international : « Germany and France: Art Market and Art Collecting 1900-1945. » (Berlin, 9-10 novembre 2018)

Colloque international : « Germany and France: Art Market and Art Collecting 1900-1945. » (Berlin, 9-10 novembre 2018)

Refugee crises, trade wars, migration debates: within the context of global geopolitical, economic and cultural-political upheavals, Europe is presently undergoing a process of transformation. At the same time, European territorial occupations and past colonial rules are coming increasingly into the focus of national and transnational scholarship and the politics underlying it.

The international conference “Germany and France: Art Market and Art Collecting 1900–1945” at TU Berlin responds to these dynamics. The thematic emphasis is research into the art market and art collecting in national and transnational networks in Germany and . . . → En lire plus

Colloque: « The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets » (Berlin, 16–18 Novembre 2017)

The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets

Colloque international, 16–18 Novembre 2017

Université Technique de Berlin 16.-17. Nov. 2017 Forum Transregionale Studien 18. Nov. 2017

The history of state or public museums has been the focus of numerous symposiums and publications. Yet astonishingly little research has taken private museums in consideration, even though the number of private art museums has risen dramatically over the past two decades. According to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), there are now more private museum spaces in the world than public ones. The majority of these museums are in China, South Korea, the US and Germany, though private museums . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets » (Berlin, 16–18 Novembre 2017)

Appel à communications (jusqu’au 30 avril 2017)

The Global Power of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets

Colloque international, 16–18 Novembre 2017

Berlin, Université Technique de Berlin

The history of state or public museums has been the focus of numerous symposiums and publications. Yet astonishingly little research has considered private museums, even though the number of private art museums has risen dramatically over the past two decades. According to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), there are now more private museum spaces in the world than public ones. The majority of these museums are in China, South Korea, the US and Germany, though private museums have been established also in Benin, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, India, Japan, Cameroon, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, South Africa, among . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Art Markets and Politics. State Control and Trade in Global Perspective » (Berlin, 4-5 novembre 2016)

forum-kunst-marktThe consequences of Brexit, art looting, and cultural protection legislation – politics and art-dealing are interlocked in manifold ways. Forum Kunst und Markt’s fifth international workshop at TU Berlin will inquire in a historical long-term perspective about this “intervention” of politics in the workings of the art trade:

What opportunities do the art markets gain and lose in different political systems and the resulting diverse forms of government (monarchy, dictatorship, democracy etc.)? To what extent do the general political frameworks for art-dealing differ from one another in the respective states? Which authorities and institutions (legislative bodies, customs et al.) are involved in specifying the political guidelines and measures? How are these institutions specifically involved and what are . . . → En lire plus