Le parcours des colonnes de la chapelle de Charlemagne

Conférence le vendredi 28 mars à 18h au Centre Dominique-Vivant Denon

En 1794, l’armée révolutionnaire s’empare d’une quarantaine de colonnes de marbre antiques de la chapelle palatine de Charlemagne d’Aix-la-Chapelle. Dix furent installées dans la nouvelle Galerie des Antiques du Louvre, où elles se trouvent encore aujourd’hui.

Maratti au Louvre

Conférence le mercredi 26 mars à 18h15 au Centre Dominique-Vivant Denon – En partenariat avec le Salon du Dessin 2025

Une conversation avec Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, historienne de l’art, Professeure à l’université de Roma Tor Vergata, Stéphane Loire, conservateur général, adjoint au directeur du Département des Peintures et Victor Hundsbuckler, conservateur du patrimoine au Département des Arts graphiques, musée du Louvre.

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Professor Martin Warnke Program, Madrid, Museo del Prado

The research stays named after the distinguished art historian Martin Warnke (1937-2019), a scholar of the work of authors as present in the Prado collections as Rubens, Velázquez and Goya, have been instituted by the Museo Nacional del Prado in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Madrid to facilitate short study stays for academics and researchers with habitual residence in a country of the European Union.

Characteristics: – The program provides for the stay of one researcher for four consecutive weeks. – The period of stay is from September 1 to 30. Exceptionally, a different time frame may be considered, within the autumn quarter . . . → En lire plus

Deux postes de chercheur·euse FNS senior (post-doc) en histoire de l’art moderne (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

Deux postes de chercheur·euse FNS senior (post-doc) en histoire de l’art moderne (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
Institution d’enseignement et de recherche de premier plan au niveau international, l’UNIL compte près de 5’000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs et 17’000 étudiant·e·s, réparti·e·s entre le campus de Dorigny, et les sites du CHUV et d’Épalinges. En tant qu’employeur, elle encourage l’excellence, la reconnaissance des personnes et la responsabilité.
La Section d’histoire de l’art (filière moderne) de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne met au concours deux postes de Chercheur·euse FNS senior (post-doc) . . . → En lire plus

Doktorandenstipendium an der Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel

Doktorandenstipendium an der Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel

Wolfenbüttel Application deadline: Apr 1, 2025

The Dr. Günther Findel Foundation for the Advancement of the Sciences and Humanities and the Rolf and Ursula Schneider Foundation for the Advancement of Historical Sciences, both based in Wolfenbüttel, award grants to particularly talented doctoral students. The international program is open to all historically oriented disciplines. It supports projects that will be realized using the holdings of the Herzog August Library. The Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel is one of the most important research libraries in Europe. Its unique collection of books and manuscripts, as well as its special collections (including prints, paintings and maps), . . . → En lire plus

inherit Fellowships 2026-7, Berlin

inherit Fellowships 2026-7, Berlin

Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oct 1, 2026–Jul 31, 2027 Application deadline: Apr 14, 2025

Call for fellows: Käte Hamburger Kolleg | Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

The Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation, a BMBF-funded Käte Hamburger Kolleg based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is pleased to invite applications for its fellowship program, which will run from October 1st, 2026 until July 31st, 2027. The Centre explores historical, contemporary, and potential future transformations in heritage. Annually, up to fifteen international fellows engage in research activities at the Centre. This opportunity is open to both experienced and early-career postdoctoral researchers, as well as artists, filmmakers, and curators.

The . . . → En lire plus

Lecturer, Early Modern Art History, St Andrews

Lecturer in Early Modern Art History (1400-1800) – AC2505RXLS

Sep 1, 2025–Aug 31, 2027 Application deadline: Mar 28, 2025

We are seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Early Modern Art History (1400-1800). This is a full-time position, offered on a fixed term contract until 31 August 2027, to provide cover for staff on research leave. Applications are invited from candidates whose research interests lie in any field of early modern art, architecture, urbanism or visual culture, regardless of geographical focus. We encourage applications from candidates whose research and teaching focuses on issues including environment, . . . → En lire plus

Predoc / Postdoc Fellowships, Bibliotheca Hertziana

The Department of Prof. Dr. Tanja Michalsky at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History welcomes projects in – but not necessarily limited to – its core research areas: Southern Italy and Naples, Cinematic Space, Historical Spaces, Epistemes of Cartography, and New Methodologies in Medieval Studies.

Funding periods last 2–3 years (predoctoral) or 1–2 years (postdoctoral). To be eligible, predoctoral candidates must be enrolled as PhD candidates at a university.

Application deadline: Mar 15, 2025

Successful candidates are expected to join a group of junior scholars working on one of the topics and to participate in the institute’s activities. They are also expected to present the results of their research during their stay at the . . . → En lire plus

Predoc / Postdoc Fellowships, Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions, Rome

Call for Postdoctoral (M/F/D) / Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”.

Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome, Sep 01, 2025 Application deadline: Mar 3, 2025

The Max Planck Society is Germany’s premier research organization. The 86 Max Planck Institutes conduct research at the highest levels in the service of the general public, in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.

For the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint: 1 Postdoctoral (M/F/D) max. 18-months appointment 2 Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) max. 12-months appointment each

The Max Planck Research Group, based . . . → En lire plus

Henry Moore Institute, Visiting Research Fellowships 2025-26, Leeds

Henry Moore Institute, Visiting Research Fellowships 2025-26, Leeds

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Apr 01, 2025 Application deadline: Mar 10, 2025

The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture. We host a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences and lectures, as well as developing research and publications, to expand the understanding and scholarship of sculpture. Each year we offer a number of Fellowships to enable artists and researchers to develop their work.

The Institute’s Sculpture Research Library holds over 30,000 books and our Archive documents the lives of hundreds of sculptors. Staff at the Institute have a depth and breadth of knowledge . . . → En lire plus

Sommerkurs: Barock – Tod (Einsiedeln, 22-26 Jun 25)

Baroque – Death Twenty-fourth International Baroque Summer Course of the Werner Oechslin Library

Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, CH 8840 Einsiedeln, Jun 22–26, 2025 Deadline: Feb 23, 2025

Concerning the topic:

Death is omnipresent. No one can escape it; it is among us and goes about its business as it sees fit. If one takes seriously the “memento mori” that we encounter in droves on tombstones and that is addressed to us, the (still) living, then one can see that this commingling of life and death is of central importance to human culture and has always had a significant impact on its art forms.

This ubiquity and omnipresence of death was . . . → En lire plus

Postdoctoral / Predoctoral Fellows, Bibliotheca Hertziana

Postdoctoral / Predoctoral Fellows, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome, Department Weddigen: Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context.

The Department of Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome is pleased to offer

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships for the 2025/26 academic year.

Under the overarching theme of Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context, the Department welcomes projects in any period addressing — but not limited to — one of its five Research Priorities: Rome Contemporary, Materiality and Mediality, Italy in a Global Context, Transnational . . . → En lire plus

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE Prize for research on south netherlandish art 1400-1800

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE Prize for research on south netherlandish art 1400-1800

A new annual prize of £1,000 will be awarded, with publication in The Burlington Magazine’s annual issue dedicated to Northern European Art, plus a subscription to The Burlington Magazine.

We seek previously unpublished essays of 1000–1500 words from early career scholars worldwide. Preference will be given to object-related scholarship such as is published inThe Burlington Magazine.

Deadline for applications: Monday 1st September 2025

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE scholarship for the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE scholarship for the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art



The scholarship has been created to provide funding over a 12-month period to those engaged in the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art to enable them to develop new ideas and research that will contribute to this field of art historical study.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must be studying, or intending to study, for an MA, PhD, post-doctoral or independent research in the field of French 18th-century fine and decorative arts within the 12-month period the funding is given (i.e. September 2024 – August 2025).

The funding is open to UK and international applicants.

Research funded by this scholarship may lead to the submission of articles for . . . → En lire plus

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

« StoryPharm » international PhD project (European Marie Skłodowska-Curie program) Application deadline: Feb 17, 2025

« StoryPharm »: Storytelling as Pharmakon in Premodernity and Beyond: Training the New Generation of Researchers in Health Humanities.

The University of Salerno (UniSa) is pleased to advertise 2 three-year Special Scientist PhD positions in HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART with a generous research allowance in an international, multi-partner EU project, employment beginning between June and August 2025. The StoryPharm project, which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Doctoral Networks – Grant . . . → En lire plus

Creative Space Fellowship 2025 Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Creative Space Fellowship 2025

The Creative Space Fellowship, funded by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT e.V., gives freelance curators and art historians employed in museums the opportunity of pursuing research in connection with a collection or an exhibition. The fellowship is meant to create a “creative scientific space” in order to reflect on collections and exhibitions and to develop ideas and concepts. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowship lasts one to two months and consists of an allowance of 1.800 € per month. An independent expert committee decides on . . . → En lire plus

Postdoc Fellowship in the history of architecture and classical tradition at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

ERC AdriArchCult Postdoc Fellowship in the history of architecture and classical tradition at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Venice, Italy, Mar 1, 2025–Feb 28, 2026 Application deadline: Jan 20, 2025

We invite applications for a postdoc fellowship position focusing on Antiquities of the Eastern Adriatic and Early Modern Architectural Culture. The research is part of the HORIZON 2020-ERC Consolidator Grant 2019 project titled “AdriArchCult: Architectural Culture of the Early Modern Eastern Adriatic”, led by Jasenka Gudelj. The fellowship focuses on analyzing the transmission of knowledge about ancient architecture and artifacts of the Eastern Adriatic in different European contexts between the 15th and 18th centuries. An interdisciplinary and multilingual approach will be particularly significant. An integral part of the research will also be the dissemination of the project’s . . . → En lire plus

Willibald Sauerländer Award 2025, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Willibald Sauerländer Award 2025

The Willibald Sauerländer Award honours and supports early career research in the history of art history

The prize, funded by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, honours the memory of Willibald Sauerländer (1924–2018), from 1970 to 1989 director of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and an honorary professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have been graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected to spend three months conducting research at . . . → En lire plus

Albert Ottenbacher Fellowship for Provenance Research 2025, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Albert Ottenbacher Fellowship for Provenance Research 2025

The Albert Ottenbacher Fellowship, sponsored by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte e.V. CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT, supports research projects on provenance research in the broadest sense. The fellowship is named in memory of Albert Ottenbacher (1950–2022) and honors his commitment to provenance research at the ZI.

The fellowship enables a research stay of up to three months at the Central Institute for Art History. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project. The amount of the scholarship is € 2,000 per month (doctoral students) or € 2,300 (postdocs). The fellowship can be scheduled individually by arrangement but should start within one year . . . → En lire plus

Two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art

The Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte will award two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art (20th-21st century) at the Studienzentrum zur Kunst der Moderne und Gegenwart at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.

The fellowships are intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars who have graduated within the last five years who are working on a project related to modern or contemporary art. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowships last three months and can commence between April and October 2025.

Graduate fellows will receive a monthly stipend of . . . → En lire plus