Colloque : « Art and reproduction » (Berlin, 8-9 Mai 2015)

tumblr_mika43lL1r1qg8eplo1_250Art and (re)production (Berlin, 8-9 May 15 ) Roter Salon, Volksbühne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin,

May 8 – 09, 2015 art and (re)production Friday 4 pm – 8 pm/ Saturday 11 am – 7 pm

Organized by Jenny Nachtigall (ADBK/UCL) and Dorothea Walzer (HU-Berlin). Funded by the Institutional Strategy at Humboldt-University Berlin. The event is free but as places are limited registration is essential.

Please RSVP: artandreproduction@gmail

Bringing together a range of international theoreticians, artists and filmmakers this conference seeks to rethink the conjuncture between art and (re)production from the mechanical age to the digital present. Historically and conceptually dense, the notion of (re)production traverses a variety of discourses, times and temporalities. It not only designates processes and practices of maintaining (economic) systems as well as life and labour power, but also refers to technological (photographic, electronic etc.) procedures of imitation. At a time when digitality transforms the temporal and epistemic status of media, and the coupling of technology, life and labour rapidly expands, how can we grasp the shifting configurations of technological, social and economic (re)production in modern and contemporary art and culture? And what is at stake in these shifts? Although modern art has been traditionally understood as a sphere of non-work, the (re)production of which appeared as separated from that of the rest of society, its autonomy (a product of the social division of labour) was always already interlaced with the heteronomy of labour. An autonomous entity as much as a fait social, modern art constituted itself in dialectical tension to that which it is not (Adorno). In many of the recent debates the waning of art’s exceptional status as non-work, its development into another sector of the cultural economy in the shift from the modern to the contemporary has prompted pessimistic as well as nostalgic responses: On the one hand, an analysis of art as a catalyst of neoliberal subjectivization in which the artist serves as a model for the perfect entrepreneur. On the other hand, the nostalgic yearning for modernism as the time of ‘critical’ (good) art. Yet if we depart from the understanding of the relation between art and labour as being structural and inextricable – and hence that of the (re)production of society and that of art –, we can shift perspective. By re-thinking art’s relation to different yet intertwined registers of (re)production, ‘art and (re)production’ proposes to interrogate the possibilities of art within, not outside of the crisis-ridden society of the present. The conference will probe the relation between art and (re)production through discussions as well as through screenings and artistic presentations.


Friday, 8 May 2015 4 pm

Introduction: Jenny Nachtigall and Dorothea Walzer

Panel I –– The (Re)production of Capital and of Art: Crisis and Form

4.30 pm -6.00 pm Kerstin Stakemeier (Berlin/Munich): The Return of Media Specificity – Fictions of (Re)Production Marina Vishmidt (London): Speculative Negations? Working Through Art and its Conditions

6.00 pm -6.30 pm break

6.30 pm -8.00 pm David Panos (London): The hand, the thing and the screen. Flesh, Form and Real Abstraction Joseph Vogl (Berlin): Media of Financialization

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Panel II –– The (Re)production of History and Temporality

11.00 am-12.30 pm Maria Muhle (Munich): Reenacting Minimal Art Martin Jörg Schäfer (Hamburg): Rehearsing Assemblies: The Labor and Leisure of Performing the « Many »

12.30 pm -2.00 pm lunch break

2.00 pm- 3.30 pm Sven Lütticken (Amsterdam): (Re)Enacting (Re)Production Mareike Bernien (Berlin): On the Transtemporality of Colour

3.30 pm- 4.00 pm break

Panel III –– The (Re)production of Subjectivity: Sexuality and Crisis

4.00 pm – 5.30 pm Anja Kirschner (Athens): The processed and the possessed Maija Timonen (Helsinki/London): The Sniffers (performance lecture)

5.30 pm -6.00 pm break

6.00 pm- 7.00 pm Marie-Luise Angerer (Cologne): Conjunctive mood

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