Since their rapid development during the first half of the 20th century, plastics have infiltrated every aspect of modern daily life. Unfortunately, many plastics have a short lifetime and degrade via irreversible chemical reactions that result in dramatic changes in appearance and significance to museum artefacts. This symposium aims to present knowledge gained from the European commission funded project POPART over 4 years ( The symposium will address the fields of identification, assessment of degradation and care of plastics artefacts. A poster session will be organised where new research, conservation treatments or case studies can be presented by symposium participants.
Download the full programme with speakers here.
March 7th:
Morning: Which plastics are in the collection?
(History, collection assessment and issues)
Afternoon, workshops:
Cleaning (fully booked)
Surveying collections (fully booked)
March 8th:
Morning: What is the condition of the collection?
(Damage assessment for plastic artefacts)
Afternoon, workshops:
Identification of polymers by observational methods (fully booked)
Portable tools for identification of polymers-NIR, Raman, FTIR (last seats)
Polymer analysis (Py GC-MS) (fully booked)
March 9th:
Morning: What are the conservation challenges ?
(Active conservation of plastic artefacts: cleaning, consolidation)
Afternoon: visits
Poster session during the 3 days.
The poster session is full, no more submission possible.
Conference fees:
200 € (150 € for students) including a conference book
Workshops fees: 50 € each
Venue: Auditorium Colbert, 2 rue de Vivienne, 75001 Paris, France
Language: English
Time limit for registrations: Friday 17 February 2012
No refund after 17 February 2012
We are anticipating a very high turn-out for this conference and will be enforcing a “first come, first served” policy for registration, so recommend that anyone interested in attending registers as soon as possible in order to guarantee their seat.
For more information, contact Alban Fournier.
URL de référence :
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