Getty Library Research Grants 2024
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA
Application deadline: Oct 16, 2023
Getty Library Research Grants support a wide range of research pursuits through an open call for applications as well some specialized opportunities. They provide partial, short-term support for researchers ranging from undergraduates to advanced scholars, independent researchers, and artists requiring the use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute.
Applications are due October 16, 2023
In addition to the open call for applications, the following focused grants are available:
Whitney and Lee Kaplan African American Visual Culture Library Grant: Supports research that utilizes a recently acquired, encyclopedic, and interdisciplinary collection of over 3,000 published works related to African American art.
Anne Willan and Mark Cherniavsky Gastronomy Collection of Rare and Contemporary Books Library Grant: Supports projects that utilize the collection to research culinary history and the visual culture, preparation, and presentation of food.
Conservation Collection Library Grant: Supports research that utilizes the collection developed by the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and which consists of specialized research materials related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.
Awards for Undergraduates: Specifically for advanced undergraduates majoring in art history, architectural history, or studio art to conduct research in the Getty Library and special collections.
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