The publishing house “L’Erma” di Bretschneider in Rome holds the second edition of the international “L’ERMA C” prize, aiming to publish an original manuscript produced by a young scholar regarding the history, theory, or criticism of art or architecture worldwide from the 20th century to today.
Submission to the competition is free of charge and open to authors at forty years of age or younger on the application deadline by July 30, 2019.
Organized in collaboration with Prof. Henri de Riedmatten and Prof. Zeuler R. Lima
1. The publishing house “L’Erma” di Bretschneider in Rome, holds the international “L’ERMA C” prize, aiming to publish an original manuscript produced by a young scholar. Submitted works must be high quality monographs or scientific scholarship (including academic dissertations or thesis, independent research or exhibition catalogues) and present a topic regarding the history, theory, or criticism of art or architecture worldwide from the 20th century to today. Submission to the competition is free of charge and open to authors at forty years of age or younger on the application deadline. Each author is entitled to submit one or more works in Italian, German, English, French, or Spanish.
2. Each work submitted must be monographic, rather than a short article, and be presented according to the following features: digital pdf document; at least 100 A4-size pages with 2,000 characters each one, or a total of no less than 200,000 characters; typed in Georgia typeface, size 12; and a maximum of 150 photos.
3. Each manuscript must be prefaced by an informative abstract in English of up to 3 pages, including: 1) title, 2) main topic development, 3) methodology, and 4) relevance to the field of study.
4. The author’s name and affiliation must NOT appear on either the manuscript or the abstract. Identification will be provided only through
containing signature and information about the author. The application form must be downloaded, printed, filled out, scanned, and uploaded via wetransfer to the e-mail lermac@lerma.it.
5. Authors must upload all the documents (manuscript, abstract, and form), in separate files, to e-mail address lermac@lerma.it, by july 30, 2019 (Roman time, GWT+1).
6. An international scientific committee of experts in art and architecture will evaluate the submissions collectively and reserve the right not to grant an award in case there are no sufficiently qualified entries.
7. The winning manuscript will be awarded publication by «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER with all the necessary editorial adjustments. The volume will be distributed and promoted throughout the international scholarly world through the publisher’s yearly catalogues and website.
8. Should the committee recommend other entries as particularly meritorious in addition to the prize-winning manuscript, they may be considered for publication at the discretion of «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER.
9. By submitting manuscripts to the prize, authors agree to allow the publication of selected works as books.
10. None of the submitted texts will be returned. Entries not selected for the prize or for publication by «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER will remain the sole property of the authors.
11. «L’ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER will communicate the result of the prize to all participants via electronic letter and announce it to the general public on the «L’ERMA-C» prize website.
Roberto Marcucci
Alessia Francescangeli
Tel. 06-6874127 – lermac@lerma.it
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