Predoc / Postdoc Fellowships, Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions, Rome

Call for Postdoctoral (M/F/D) / Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”.

Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome, Sep 01, 2025
Application deadline: Mar 3, 2025

The Max Planck Society is Germany’s premier research organization. The 86 Max Planck Institutes conduct research at the highest levels in the service of the general public, in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.

For the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint:
1 Postdoctoral (M/F/D) max. 18-months appointment
2 Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) max. 12-months appointment each

The Max Planck Research Group, based at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, has been formed to exam-ine how scientific practitioners visualize their ideas, illustrate their working methods, and communicate their observations, with a specific focus on the early modern period. We are especially interested in the impact that new media have had on processes of visualization and whether or not changes in these pro-cesses reflect new ways of thinking. A new visual culture emerged in the early modern period by those in pursuit of knowledge due to a variety of reasons. These included: new media and new formats (for ex-ample printed (fold-out) images and diagrams, paper tools, and the scientific journal); new instruments for observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes); and new strategies of communication needed for the changing understanding of nature and the world. By comparing media, tools, and modes of communication in different fields of early modern science, such as medicine, music, architecture, as-tronomy, and mathematics, the members of this research group investigate the impact of new media on the visual communication of science. The group uses a wide variety of research methods and, in doing so, draws upon visual culture, art history, media studies, history of the book, cultural anthropology, and his-tory of science and medicine. In previous years the group has worked on diagrams as abstract visualiza-tions of knowledge, as well as media revolutions and print culture, and we are currently especially inter-ested in the practice of drawing as a tool for observation and thought (see the research theme: The Image as Method)

More information on the research group including past events can be found here:

We welcome applications from candidates from all disciplines. The working language of the Research Group is English. The positions are to be taken up from 1 September 2025. Please indicate in your applica-tion whether you are applying for a predoctoral or postdoctoral fellowship.

For the Predoctoral Fellows:
The Predoctoral fellow will conduct their own original research project towards finishing their PhD, which fits within the overall framework of the Research Group.

Your profile:
– You are currently enrolled as a PhD student at a university
– You have a clear idea of how a fellowship in Rome as part of the MPRG “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions” at the Bibliotheca Hertziana would benefit your PhD research
– Excellent verbal and written knowledge of English
– Prior knowledge of Italian and/or German is an advantage
– Ability to reside in Rome during appointment
– A willingness to play an active role in the research group’s events, which include seminars, read-ing sessions, and conferences

Your application should include:
– Cover letter
– Curriculum vitae
– Description of PhD project and intended research in Rome (max. 1000 words)
– Contact details of two potential referees (no letters)

For the Post-doctoral Fellow:
The postdoctoral researcher will conduct their own original research project within the overall framework of the Research Group. They will be expected to work closely with the Research Group Leader and will be responsible for planning and organizing seminars and workshops in collaboration with the group’s assis-tant and is expected to actively participate in the group’s and institute’s activities.

Your profile:
– By the start of the appointment you have finished your PhD
– Your intended research project has overlap with the MPRG “Visualizing Science in Media Revolu-tions”. We especially welcome applications from researchers interested in our theme “The Image as Method” but we are open to all proposals.
– Excellent verbal and written knowledge of English
– Prior knowledge of Italian and/or German is an advantage
– Ability to reside in Rome during appointment

Your application should include:
– Cover letter
– Curriculum vitae
– Description of the research project (max. 1000 words), plus a bibliography
– List of publications
– Research timeline
– Contact details of two potential referees (no letters)

Our offer:
The appointments for the Predocs are up to 12 months, from 1 September 2025 onwards. The positions are full-time (39/40 hours per week) and are paid equivalent of 65% of the German Civil Service Collective
Agreement (TVöD Bund), level E 13.

The Appointment for the Postdoc is up to or 18 months from 1 September 2025 onwards. The successful
candidate is expected to have completed and defended their PhD by the start of the appointment. The
position is paid equivalent of the German Civil Service Collective Agreement (TVöD Bund), level E 13.

Furthermore, we offer opportunities regarding work life balance as well as health promotion services.

The Max Planck society strives for gender equality and diversity. We welcome applications from all
backgrounds. Furthermore, The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.
Candidates should submit their application in English by 3 March 2025. Please indicate in your application whether you are applying for a predoctoral or postdoctoral fellowship. Online interviews will be held in the week of 24 March 2025. Please submit all requested documents to the application portal:

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