Session at 51. Int. Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, 12-15 May 16) University of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI (USA), May 12 – 15, 2016
Deadline: Sep 15, 2015
New Perspectives on Medieval Rome (2 Sessions) Organizers: Marius B. Hauknes, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University Alison Locke Perchuk, Assistant Professor of Art History, California State University Channel Islands Digital, environmental, material, Mediterranean, sensory, spatial: these are among the recent “turns” taken by the medieval humanities, including art history.
The new perspectives on the past opened by these approaches, many of which are informed by interdisciplinary research and contemporary cultural interests in the natural and built world, are fundamentally reshaping how we conceive of and study medieval art and . . . → En lire plus