Working on Paper in 19th-Century Europe (Paris, 6 Jun 25)
American University of Paris, Jun 06, 2025
The 19th century witnessed dramatic changes in the production and consumption of paper that crossed both disciplinary and geographic boundaries. This workshop aims to bring together scholars in different disciplines, as well curators, conservators, and others who have engaged in the topic to explore more closely the make-up and meaning of paper during this period. How did artists and/or writers understand the shifts taking place, and in what ways might they have addressed them in their work? What discoveries have been made about the production and material composition of paper produced during this time? What important aspects of paper’s use in non-literary or artistic contexts have not yet received sufficient attention? What might we learn from thinking about 19th-century paper from an environmental perspective? How might considering the production and consumption of paper from the perspective of gender yield new insights?
We seek papers that engage with these and related issues for a one-day workshop at the American University of Paris on June 6, 2025. Please submit abstracts and CVs to Michelle Foa ( and Cary Hollinshead-Strick ( by March 15.
Applicants will be notified by March 22 if their papers have been accepted. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions.
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