Appel à publication : « Transitions : Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies » (Décembre 2015)

Transitions. Journal of Franco Iberian StudiesPapers are invited for a special number of Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies to be devoted to the representation of Conflicts between France and Spain.

Papers should address perceptions, representations, or negotiations of tensions or interventions through literature, film and/or art. Papers might address topics such as French participation in the Reconquista, French-Spanish wars, France’s role during the Spanish Civil War and Francoism, Intercultural areas (Basque Nations on both sides of the border, Catalonia), Bi-national relationships, Cultural, Religious or Economic tensions (i.e. French Philosophy vs. Spanish Catholicism), etc.

This special issue will appear in December 2015. The deadline for submissions is September 1st, 2015. Transitions accepts original articles written in English, French or Spanish. The essays should not exceed 7500 words. All submissions go through a blind peer-review process.

Please submit papers formatted in MLA style along with a 200 word abstract and a separate cover sheet containing the author’s name, article title, affiliation and contact information to:

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