Appel à candidature : Bourses du laboratoire CreA de l’Université de Vienne

uni_logoFellowships CReA University of Vienna

Vienna, May 2 – December 31, 2017
Application deadline: Mar 5, 2017

Fellowships for Eye-Tracking at CReA (University of Vienna, Department
of Art History)

The Lab for Cognitive Research in Art History (CReA will award two fellowships for the implementation of eye-tracking in art history. The fellowships are offered to doctoral students and/or postdoctoral scholars who wish to explore whether they might implement eye-tracking in an art historical project. Fellows will be introduced to eye-tracking, including study design, data collection, and data analysis. They are expected to partake in the activities of the lab and to present their research project. The fellowship lasts three months, starting between May 2nd and October 1st. The monthly gross salary is € 2000 for doctoral students and € 3000 for postdoctoral scholars.

Please submit applications no later than March 5th to mentioning “Fellowship Eye-Tracking” in the e-mail header and one pdf file including a short project description (max. 2 pages), CV, transcript of records, and specimen of writing (table of content, introduction, one chapter, summary / conclusion of your Master / PhD Thesis, if possible a copy of its evaluation, optionally other publications). Applications may be submitted in English, French, German, or Italian. However, very good language skills in English and/or German are required.

For informal enquiries please contact Raphael Rosenberg (, +43-1-4277-41420).

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