Call for Papers / Appel à communication
36th Annual Conference
Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies
Société d’Études Pluridisciplinaires du XVIIe Siècle Français
SE 17 President /Présidente de la SE 17: Audrey Calefas-Strébelle, Mills College
November 2-4, 2017
Du 2 au 4 Novembre 2017
Mills College (Oakland, CA), and Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), USA
Keynote speaker/ Conférencier principal: Jean-Marie Apostolidès, Stanford University
Please send 300-word abstracts in English or French by email directly to the session chair or chairs by May 1, 2017.
Ayez l’obligeance d’envoyer vos propositions de communication (300 mots maximum) en français ou en anglais par courriel directement au(x) president(s) de séance avant le 1er Mai 2017.
1. Insults, Fury, and Vehemence/ Injures, fureurs et véhémence
Chairs/ Présidents de séance :
Gilles Declercq (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) :
Stella Spriet (Université de Saskatchewan) :
2. Exemplary Figures/ Figures exemplaires
Chairs/ Présidents de séance :
Agnès Cousson (Université de Brest) :
Jean-Vincent Blanchard (Swarthmore College):
3. Spoken and Unspoken/ Le dit et le non-dit
Chairs/ Présidentes de séance :
Jennifer Tamas (Rutgers University) :
Laurence Plazenet (Université Paris-Sorbonne) :
4. Orientalisms/Orientalismes
Chairs/ Présidents de séance :
Ali Yaycioglu (Stanford University) :
Audrey Calefas-Strébelle (Mills College) :
5. Specters and Ghosts/ Spectres et fantômes
Chair/ Président de séance :
Nicholas Paige (University of California Berkeley) :
6. Rites of passage/ Rites de passages
Chairs/ Présidents de séance :
Charlotte Trinquet du Lys (University of Central Florida) :
Bertram Gordon (Mills College) :
7. Pedagogy and Digital Humanities/Pédagogie à l’âge des humanités numériques
Chairs/ Présidentes de séance:
Hélène Bilis (Wellesley College):
Hélène Visentin (Smith College):
Workshops allow participants to read and engage in conversation with a small group of colleagues about our current work. Groups will meet once during the conference to discuss pre-circulated works-in-progress. Composition of groups will depend on submissions; we will attempt to accommodate as many submissions as possible given space constraints. Participants commit to: submitting a work of 5-30 pages for pre-circulation at least 3 weeks prior to the SE17 meeting, reading their colleagues’ work, and attending the seminar meeting.
A separate call for workshop submissions will be issued following the formation of regular panel sessions, with a deadline of June 15. Please do not send submissions now. Those who would like to participate will submit a ~150-word abstract of their current scholarly or pedagogical project, whether article, book proposal, book chapter, website, syllabus, or other curricular innovation, to Claire Goldstein AND Juliette Cherbuliez. Note: While preference will be given to SE17 members who are not presenting on a panel, all are encouraged to submit.
Further information concerning the conference will be available starting in April on the Society’s website :
Des informations complémentaires seront disponibles dès le mois d’avril sur le site Web de la Société :
Responsable :
url de référence
Mills College (Oakland, CA), and Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), USA
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