Appel à communication : « Loco/Motion »

Appel à communication de la Nineteenth Century Studies Association (NCSA), à l’occasion de sa 34 conférence annuelle, qui aura lieu à Fresno, en Californie, du 7 au 9 mars 2013.

Deadline-CFP: 30 sept. 2012

The long nineteenth century set the world on the move. Travel became increasingly important for business and pleasure, for war and peace. At the same time, new forms of moving people arose: the balloon, ships, undergrounds, funiculars, the railroads. Each carried riders to great distances, different locales, and novel pursuits. But motion wasn’t purely spatial; new movements arose as well, sweeping the inhabitants of the period into fresh vistas of thought and endeavor. We seek papers and panels that capture the sense of movement at work and at play during the long nineteenth century (1789-1914). Papers may address the intersections of movement/s, focus on technologies of motion in isolation, or reveal the desires—for gain, glory, greed—that set the

world on its feet.

Papers for this AHNCA panel should address the general theme of the conference with an emphasis on art history and/or visual studies.

Suggested topics include: tourism, ports, maritime culture, global « flow, » colonial expeditions, investigations of movement and time, technologies of locomotion.

Please e-mail abstracts (250 words) for 20-minute papers that provide the author’s name and paper title in the heading, as well as a one-page cv, to Prof. Maura Coughlin ( by September 30, 2012. Please note that submission of a proposal indicates intent to present. Presenters will be notified in November 2012. Graduate students whose proposals are accepted may, at that point, submit complete papers in competition for a travel grant to help cover transportation and lodging expenses.

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