Appel à communication : « Visual Print Culture in Europe 1500-1850 » (Venise, décembre 2015)

Vol de l'ange et feux d'artifices pour le jeudi gras, Venise, 1757To be held at the University of Warwick’s Venice base, the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, Italy, December 5-6, 2015  (Click for the location), Visual Print Culture in Europe 1500-1850 aims to draw together scholars with a range of disciplinary skills to discuss the methods, representational forms, and distribution of and audience for visual print media in Europe between 1500 and 1850.
Its seeks to de-nationalize the study of visual print culture, and to explore the extent to which interactions between engravers and printers, artists and consumers in Europe, and a range of common representational practices produced a genuinely European visual print culture – with local modulations, but nonetheless with a common core.

Proposals for papers should be submitted to by June 1st 2015. The conference may be able to provide some financial assistance to those whose home institutions are unable to support their attendance, especially postgraduate students.Visual Print Culture in Europe 1500-1850: techniques, genres, imagery and markets in a comparative perspective.

University of Warwick’s Venice, the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice, Italy, December 5-6, 2015


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