Appel à contribution : Forum Medieval Art 2 (Freiburg im Breisgau 18-21 septembre 2013)

Forum Medieval Art 2 Freiburg im Breisgau
Deadline: Apr 30, 2012

From September 18-21, 2013, the 2nd Forum Medieval Art will take place in Freiburg im Breisgau. Intended as an open colloquium occurring  regularly at rotating sites, the Forum seeks to bring together research and researchers on different fields, regions and periods and to serve — as its name suggests — as a forum for ideas pertaining to the study of
medieval art.
Each individual meeting of the Forum Medieval Art has a specific focus.
The Freiburg conference will concentrate on art of the later middle ages. Proposals dealing with different media and materials (architecture, sculpture, painting, textiles, goldsmith’s works, prints etc.) will also have priority. With regard to the 600 year anniversary of the council of Constance in 2014 sessions on the arts and culture around 1400 are particularly welcome. At the same time, the program should reflect a broad variety of topics on medieval art from the early Middle Ages to the Reformation.
We look forward to all suggestions within these parameters.
The Forum Medieval Art is aimed as much at representatives of societies, museums, university institutes, and offices for historic preservation as at individual scholars; we hope that a diverse group of experts representing equally diverse perspectives on medieval art will be able to share their work with one another in the sessions at Halberstadt. Session organizers are responsible for speaker selection but may receive assistance upon request.

Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2012
Please send proposals to

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Organisiert vom Deutschen Verein für Kunstwissenschaft e.V.

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