British Archaeological Association Travel Grants

British Archaeological Association Travel Grants

Applications for travel grants are invited from students registered on post-graduate degree courses (at M.A., M.Litt., M.St., M.Phil., and Ph.D. level). Grants of up to £500 are available to cover travel for a defined purpose (such as essential site visits, attendance at an exhibition/conference, short research trip, etc). The awards will be made twice yearly, with deadlines for applications on 15 March 2021 and 15 May 2021.

Applicants are required to provide one reference, together with a timetable and travel budget, while the objective of the travel must fall within the Association’s fields of interest (as defined below). Applicants should either be registered at a UK University, or be undertaking work on material from, in, or related to, the art, architecture or archaeology of the British Isles. Applicants are also responsible for asking their nominated referee to forward a reference directly to the Hon. Secretary within one week of the closing date for applications.

An application form follows on a second page. Once complete this should be sent as an email attachment to the Hon. Secretary on Funds are limited, so the awards are competitive. Given current Covid-related travel restrictions, it is possible that successful applicants will be unable to undertake the travel for which an award was made. In that event, we would ask that the grant instead be used for high-quality dissertation or thesis illustrations or be used within a year for future travel with an art-historical or archaeological objective. If successful, the Association would like candidates to write a short account (150-350 words) of the travel facilitated by the award that could be posted on the BAA website.


The Association’s interests are defined as the study of archaeology, art and architecture from the Roman period to the present day, principally within Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The core interests of the BAA are Roman to 16th century. We only entertain applications that cover the 17th to 21st centuries if they are of an historiographical, conservationist or antiquarian nature and link back to the BAA’s core interests.


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