Appel à candidature « Winterthur Research Fellowship Program, Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Delaware »

Winterthur, a public museum, library, and garden supporting the advanced study of American art, culture, and history, announces its Research Fellowship Program for 2013-14. Winterthur offers an extensive program of short- and long-term fellowships open to academic, independent, and museum scholars, including advanced graduate students, to support research in material culture, architecture, decorative arts, design, consumer culture, garden and landscape studies, Shaker studies, travel and tourism, the Atlantic World, childhood, literary culture, and many other areas of social and cultural history. Fellowships available to foreign applicants include 1-2 semester dissertation fellowships and 1-2 month short-term fellowships.

Dissertation Fellowship

Doctoral candidates conducting research or writing a dissertation receive four- to nine-month fellowships. Stipend: . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Getty Graduate Internships, Los Angeles »

Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation—to students who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking.

Please see the list of internship areas and host departments participating in 2013—2014 [curatorial internships include Antiquities (Getty Villa, Greek and Roman Art); Sculpture and Decorative Arts; Drawings (European, prior to 1900); Illuminated Manuscripts (European, 800-1600); Paintings (European, prior to 1900); and Photographs (European . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Terra Foundation, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Travel Grants »

The Terra Foundation offers Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Travel Grants to enable scholars outside the United States to consult research resources that are only available within the United States. These grants provide support for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars to travel for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. Applications are judged competitively on an annual basis.

Grant funding is available for short-term travel that gives scholars:

An opportunity to discover new source material Experience works of art first-hand in museums and private collections Make contact with artists, curators, and art dealers Consult local archives and library collections Establish professional networks for future research . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C »

Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum seek to foster a cross-cultural dialogue about the history of art of the United States up to 1980. They support work by scholars from abroad who are researching American art or by U.S. scholars who are investigating international contexts for American art. Fellowships are residential and support full-time independent and dissertation research for one year. Fellows receive research and travel allowances, plus a stipend of $30,000 for predoctoral fellows and $45,000 for senior or postdoctoral fellows.

Qualifications and Selection: Applications for the Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art will be evaluated on the basis of the proposal’s merit and . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Doktorantenstellen an der Bibliotheca Hertziana (Rom, 2013) »

Rom (I), 01.01.2013

Application deadline: Nov 30, 2012

Im Rahmen der Fördermaßnahmen für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs vergibt die Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rom) zum 01. Januar 2013 Doktorandenstellen zur Anfertigung von Dissertationen, die der italienischen Kunstgeschichte gewidmet sind. Die zunächst einjährige Förderungsdauer kann um ein Jahr verlängert werden, nach Vorlage eines Berichtes und einer Stellungnahme des/der Betreuers/Betreuerin.

Interessierte müssen folgende Unterlagen einreichen:

– Antrag mit Darlegung des Dissertationsthemas – Befürwortung des Doktorvaters und eines weiteren Universitätslehrers – Lebenslauf mit Studiengang und Lichtbild – Manuskript der Magisterarbeit oder entsprechender wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten

Von den Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen wird erwartet, daß sie bereit sind, wöchentlich 5 Stunden an den Institutsaufgaben mitzuwirken.

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Appel à candidature : « Annette Kade Fellowship, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York »

The Annette Kade Fellowship is awarded to French and German predoctoral art history students for one year’s study or research at the Metropolitan Museum, this fellowship is intended for French and German students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to study in the United States.

All fellowships must take place between September 1, 2013, and August 31, 2014. Fellowships generally begin in September. The stipend amount for one year is $32,000 for predoctoral fellows, with up to an additional $6,000 for travel. Health care benefits are included.

Predoctoral art history fellows can be asked to assist the hosting curatorial departments with projects that complement their approved scholarly subject. Not . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles »

Le Getty Research Institute à Los Angeles, proche du musée J. Paul Getty, propose une série de bourses annuelles pour les doctorants et les post-doctorants. Les boursiers poursuivent leurs recherches en relation avec le thème annuel de recherche proposé par l’Institut. Ils sont accueilli dans l’enceinte du Getty Research Institute. La résidence à l’Institut de recherche est obligatoire durant les neuf mois de la bourse (de mi-septembre à mi-juin). Les boursiers travaillent à partir des collections du Getty et participent aux activités de l’Institut. Les boursiers prennent aussi part aux réunions qui ont lieu une fois par semaine sur le thème annuel de recherche. Le thème choisi . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize »

The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art (circa 1500-1980). Manuscripts should advance understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives. The prize-winning essay will be translated and published in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal. We are pleased to announce an increased and enhanced prize award this year: the winner will receive a $1,000 cash award and a $2,000 travel stipend to give a presentation in Washington, D.C., and meet with museum staff and fellows. This prize is supported by funding from the Terra Foundation for American Art.

The aim of the award is to stimulate and actively . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « CAA International Travel Grant Program »

The CAA International Travel Grant Program, generously supported by the Getty Foundation, provides funding to twenty art historians, museum curators, and artists who teach art history to attend the 101st Annual Conference, taking place February 13–16, 2013, in New York. The grant covers travel expenses, hotel accommodations, per diems, conference registrations, and one-year CAA memberships. For 2013, CAA will offer preconference meetings on February 11 and 12 for grant recipients to present and discuss their common professional interests and issues.

The goal of the program is to increase international participation in CAA and to diversify the organization’s membership (presently seventy-two countries are represented). CAA also wishes to familiarize international participants with the submission process for conference sessions and to . . . → En lire plus

Visas pour les Etats-Unis

Outre la candidature elle-même, l’un des aspects les plus difficiles dans la recherche d’un stage international concerne l’obtention du visa. Anna Smith, Directrice du Programme des Echanges Culturels à l’Agence de délivrance des Visa « International Arts & Artists » a bien voulu répondre à nos questions concernant ces procédures. Ci-dessous, un compte rendu de notre entretien, enrichi quelques commentaires en italique.

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De quel visa a-t’on besoin pour un poste d’enseignant-chercheur aux Etats-Unis?

Cela dépend du poste, mais pour un poste au sein d’organismes artistiques et de musées par exemple, il vous faudra un « J1 Exchange Visitor Visa ». Ce visa donne . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Kress Interpretive Fellowship – Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York »

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is seeking eligible candidates for the Kress Interpretive Fellowship for 2012-2013. This fellowship aims to cultivate students and young professionals interested in museum careers and focuses on curatorial and educational collaboration.

The Fellow’s activities will focus on collection presentation in the Museum’s galleries, interpretation, and teaching. Specifically, s/he will participate in the ongoing discussions concerning the reinstallation of the new European Paintings galleries, scheduled to reopen in May 2013. The Fellow will be involved with discussions concerning the arrangement of the new gallery installations, design and presentation, coordination of the installation with didactic material and the development of interpretive strategies and teaching methods aimed . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Bourse de la Société Malevitch 2012 »

The Malevich Society is pleased to announce its grant competition for the year 2012. The Malevich Society is a not-for-profit organization based in New York City dedicated to advancing knowledge about the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich and his work.

In the belief that Malevich was a pioneer of modern art, and should be recognized for his key contributions to the history of Modernism, the Society awards grants to encourage research, writing, and other activities relating to his history and memory.

The Society welcomes applications from scholars of any nationality, and at various stages of their career. Graduate students are welcome to apply to the Society’s grants after completing at least . . . → En lire plus

Practicing your English… gratuit!

L’une des clés pour profiter d’une bonne expérience pendant un stage ou une bourse à l’étranger est de développer ses compétences de communication. Cela ne signifie pas la perfection… vous ferez inévitablement des erreurs ! Mais pratiquer la langue vous aidera à vous sentir détendu, calme et confiant avant votre départ.

Trouver des opportunités gratuites de pratiquer l’anglais n’est pas nécessairement facile en France. Bien que lire et écouter des programmes télé ou des films est utile, rien ne vaut des conversations en direct. Ci-dessous, deux voix possibles :

– La première option est, un service gratuit qui vous aide à rencontrer d’autres personnes qui veulent pratiquer leurs compétences . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Assistant/e doctorant/e en art médiéval » (université de Neuchâtel)

L’Institut d’Histoire de l’Art et de Muséologie de l’Université de Neuchâtel engage, pour le premier octobre 2012,

Un poste de Assistant/e doctorant/e

rattaché à la chaire d’histoire de l’art médiéval et de muséologie (prof. Pierre Alain Mariaux)

Profil: Le profil du poste requiert une personne titulaire d’un master en histoire de l’art du Moyen Age ou en muséologie avec dominante histoire de l’art, ou d’un titre jugé équivalent dans l’une de ces disciplines. Le ou la candidate devra enregistrer le projet d’une thèse de doctorat à l’IHAM dans le délai d’une année, idéalement dans le domaine de l’histoire des collections.

Le cahier des charges: Le cahier . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Bourses de recherche du Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art à Paris »

Appel à candidature du Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art à Paris

Dans le cadre du sujet annuel 2012/2013 MOUVEMENT, sous la direction d’Andreas Beyer (DFK) et Guillaume Cassegrain (Université Lyon II), le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art à Paris offre, à partir du 1er septembre 2012, plusieurs bourses de recherche pour les étudiants en doctorat (durée de 12 mois) ainsi qu’une bourse d’habilitation (durée de 24 mois). Si vous êtes diplômé en histoire de l’art ou une autre discipline proche (Master 2 ou doctorat) et si vos recherches portent sur le sujet annuel, nous vous invitons à nous adresser votre candidature (Curriculum vitae, diplômes, liste des publications, deux lettres de recommandation établies par des professeurs d’université), ainsi qu’un projet de recherche (3 pages maximum suivies d’un échéancier et d’une bibliographie) . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Indianapolis Museum of Art – Allen Whitehill Clowes Curatorial Fellowship »

Un stage rémunéré et ouvert aux candidats internationaux, il est important de se souvenir que si vous parvenez à obtenir ce stage, ce sera à vous de payer les frais d’immigration (c’est-a-dire les frais associé avec les J1 visas).



The Indianapolis Museum of Art is pleased to announce a nine-month curatorial fellowship. The fellowship supports scholarly research related to the Clowes Collection at the IMA and provides curatorial training in the field of European painting and sculpture. The Clowes Fellow is fully integrated into the curatorial division of the Museum and has duties comparable to those of an assistant curator, ranging from collection research . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : «Morgan Drawing Institute Fellowships, 2012–13»

The Morgan Drawing Institute will award one or two Post-Doctoral Fellowships and one Pre-Doctoral Fellowship for the 2012-13 academic years. Fellowships are open to museum curators, art historians, and scholars in related academic fields and are intended to support independent research projects on subjects relating to some aspect of the history, theory, collecting, function or interpretation of old master and/or modern drawings. While proposed research projects may focus in some way on works in the Morgan’s collection, this is not a necessary prerequisite for consideration or support.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to scholars and curators at all stages of their careers. Applicants must demonstrate an established record of publications and . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « 2012-13 Moore Curatorial Fellowship in Drawings and Prints (full time) »

Job Responsibilities

The Morgan Library & Museum is pleased to announce the Moore Curatorial Fellowship in the Department of Drawings and Prints. This one year appointment, eligible for a one-year renewal, provides the opportunity to gain firsthand experience and professional training in curatorial work and the study and connoisseurship of old master and modern drawings. The Moore Curatorial Fellow will be a fully integrated member of the department, with duties and responsibilities comparable to those of a curatorial assistant. The Fellow will have the opportunity to conduct research on the Morgan’s collection of drawings—one of the finest in the country, ranging from the fourteenth century to the present—and to contribute significantly to all phases of exhibition planning, organization and . . . → En lire plus