Conférence : L’Autoportrait au XXe siècle, tradition de la modernité ? (Paris, 29 mars 2023)

Conférence : L’Autoportrait au XXe siècle, tradition de la modernité ? (Paris, 29 mars 2023)

La BnF poursuit son cycle de conférences en histoire de l’art avec une deuxième édition consacrée aux questions d’identités artistiques au XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle. Cette séance examine les autoportraits peints au cours du XXe siècle.

Le XXe siècle s’est voulu celui de la modernité. Sans tenir compte d’une affirmation comme celle de Giorgio Vasari qui rapporte dans son récit de la vie de Masaccio, publié dans le livre Les Vite, en 1568, que sa « façon de dessiner et de peindre était si originale et si moderne que . . . → En lire plus

Conférence : « XS: The Opera Opus. An Operatic Transvaluation of No Wave Aesthetics by Joseph Nechvatal and Rhys Chatham » (Paris, Centre Pompidou, 8 mars 2023)

Joseph Nechvatal, Rhys Chatham, XS: The Opera Opus, 1986, The Boston Shakespeare Theater. Photo © Paula Court.

Cette séance de projection et de discussion aborde l’opéra no wave en huit parties XS: The Opera Opus – conçu par l’artiste Joseph Nechvatal et le musicien Rhys Chatham entre 1984 et 1986 – afin d’étudier les différentes sources de création qui ont conduit à l’élaboration d’une pièce pluridisciplinaire, évoluant dans les scènes alternatives américaines des années 1980.

Jean-Christophe Bailly, « Paris quand même »

Autour d’un livre (1) : Jean-Christophe Bailly, Paris quand même, Paris 2022

Entretien de l’auteur avec Hanns Zischler (Berlin) et Peter Geimer (Paris) Événement en langue française

Le sujet de ce livre, ce sont les atteintes dont Paris et notamment son cœur ont été victimes ces derniers temps. À la destruction systématique et intégrale de quartiers, qui a été la marque des années 60 et 90 du siècle dernier, a succédé une forme plus subtile mais qui étend son emprise au point de rendre méconnaissable des pans entiers de la ville. Mais à cette ville – qui est à la fois celle du pouvoir et celle qui se vend – continue de s’en opposer une autre, qui continue de se vivre comme le champ d’une expérimentation quotidienne. Cette lutte entre . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communications : Rethinking Art Historical Narratives and Canons (Helsinki, 9-10 Nov 23)

Conference organised by the Society for Art History in Finland and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki.

In the last decades established art historical canons and narratives have increasingly been challenged. Intersectionality, decolonisation, transnational approaches, and the introduction of global art history are only a few examples of the modes of thinking that have gradually emerged from the margins to mainstream art history.

Conventional ways of constructing periodisations and genres based on notions of national specificity and the idea of progress have become highly questionable in the context of recent political, societal, and cultural developments. The urgency of generating new approaches and conceptual and methodological tools has become indisputable. Global and transnational perspectives have not only questioned the self-evidence of national canons, but also that . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : 5th Congress of Art History (Lisbon, 18-20 Oct 23)

The Portuguese Association of Art Historians (APHA) is currently promoting the V Congress of Art History, with the theme “Art History: Legacies, Debates and New Perspectives”. This meeting aims to encourage and affirm the area of Art History in the national scientific environment and to project it internationally. We therefore appeal to the active participation of all those who make the discipline their modus vivendi, such as researchers, scholars, teachers, students and other professionals connected with heritage, whether in monuments or museums, or in town councils, libraries or archives.

Interested in discussing and reconsidering the concept of the discipline, its own work methodology and the main challenges faced today by the art historian, APHA proposes three distinct areas of reviewing: the theoretical inheritance received by the local Art . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : Journal18, #17: Color

Proposals for issue #17: Color (Spring 2024) are now being accepted.

The question of color has been at the center of artistic debates at least since the seventeenth century, and it has remained a key issue in the historiography of art. What may be at stake in reconsidering color in its historical dimensions now? Recent research on the issue has gone in two directions. On the one hand, color has been studied as a material substance and a technology. Scholars have documented the relation between technological, industrial, and commercial developments and the quality, range, and availability of pigments and colorants available to artists, manufacturers, and consumers. Another approach has focused on the key role of color in the construction of social, racial, and gender hierarchies. Recent scholarship has . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communications : Making, Breaking, and Remaking (Edinburgh/online, 19 May 23)

Conference: Historical Fragments: Making, Breaking, and Remaking, hosted by the Material and Visual Culture in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Research Cluster, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art.

Taking ‘fragmentation’ as the conceptual starting point for the day, the Material and Visual Culture in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Research Cluster is hosting a one-day hybrid conference that considers the materiality and shifting conditions of global objects and collections (focusing on the time period 1500-1800) as they are broken, fragmented, remade, or assembled. Seeking to investigate the ‘brokenness’ of such material culture objects and collections, the conference will de-centre conservation and restoration which often dominate discourse on the subject.

The Research Cluster aims to provide a space to foster interdisciplinary discussion centred around approaching fragmented objects . . . → En lire plus

appel à communication : Exploring Visual Representations from the Holocaust (Jena, 9-12 Oct 23)

“To tear these images from time”: Exploring Visual Representations from Nazi Camps, Ghettos, and the Holocaust.

The chair for Art History at Jena University seeks applications for an international conference that will take place in Jena from October 9-12, 2023. The conference will probe the potential of analytical approaches to drawings, sculptures, albums, paintings, and other visual artifacts that were created in extremis within National Socialist camps, ghettos, and in hiding as well as in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust and World War II.

It is due to the great merit of a few persistent survivors, archivists, and historians that the scattered artifacts were collected, and the biographies and circumstances of production recorded. However, in particular images depicting Nazi crimes through mostly figurative means have been widely neglected in . . . → En lire plus

Young Scholars’ Symposium in Asian Art (Amsterdam, 17 Jun 23)

Call for Papers: Young Scholars’ Symposium in Asian Art 2023 – New Perspectives on Asian Art and Material Culture Symposium. The Royal Society of Asian Art in the Netherlands (Koninklijke Vereniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst, KVVAK) is pleased to announce the Young Scholars’ Symposium in Asian Art on 17 June 2023.

The symposium is now open for abstract submissions from BA and MA students, PhD candidates, and early career researchers in the fields of art history, history, archaeology, environmental art history, architecture, anthropology, contemporary art and design. Proposals for research papers (max. 20 min) and focus papers (max. 8 min) on any aspect of Asian art and the art and material culture of exchange between Asia and Europe are welcome.

Organisation: Anne Gerritsen, Chair . . . → En lire plus

Présentation d’ouvrage : « Collectionner l’impressionnisme » (1er mars 2023, Paris)

Présentation d’ouvrage : « Collectionner l’impressionnisme » (1er mars 2023, Paris)

L’ouvrage sera présenté lors d’une table ronde en présence de quelques auteurs, le mercredi 1er mars de 18h à 20h à l’INHA en salle Vasari.

C’est à une catégorie engagée de collectionneurs de l’impressionnisme que cet ouvrage s’intéresse. Ceux qui, selon leur époque, ont contribué à faire émerger, à imposer ou à diffuser ce nouveau courant artistique. De la constitution de la collection jusqu’à son entrée au musée, du soutien des artistes à l’échelle territoriale à la diffusion internationale du mouvement, des premiers accrochages intimes jusqu’aux interrogations que . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : New Leisure for a New Nation. Art and Entertainment in Italy, from Nation-building to Liberation (1861-1945)

Appel à communication : New Leisure for a New Nation. Art and Entertainment in Italy, from Nation-building to Liberation (1861-1945)

Call for Papers : New Leisure for a New Nation. Art and Entertainment in Italy, from Nation-building to Liberation (1861-1945)

November 22-23, 2023. Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

Scientific Organization: Giulia Beatrice and Sara Vitacca

Giuseppe Capogrossi, Ballo sul fiume, 1936 circa, oil on canvas, 140 x 172 cm, Palazzo Merulana – Fondazione Cerasi, Rome

The years between unification and Liberation in Italy were fundamental to the formation of . . . → En lire plus

[nouvelle date] Journée d’étude en hommage à Catherine Chédeau-Arabeyre et Catherine Vuillermot-Febvet


9 h Accueil

9 h 30 Ouverture par Paul Dietschy (directeur du Centre Lucien Febvre)

9 h 40 Remerciements par Patrick Arabeyre

9 h 50 Introduction de la demi-journée en honneur de Catherine Chédeau-Arabeyre par Thomas Flum (directeur adjoint du Centre Lucien Febvre)

10 h « Les dalles funéraires en Italie centrale, de Ghiberti à Rustici », Philippe Sénéchal (université de Picardie Jules Verne)

11 h Pause café

11 h 15 « Sur les chemins de l’ornement au début de la Renaissance : le cas de la Chapelle rompue à Fenioux (Deux Sèvres) », Thierry Crépin-Leblond (directeur du musée national de la Renaissance)

12 h 15 Déjeuner . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication: 2 ECR French 19th-Century Network Events (online, 23 Mar-26 Apr 23)

2 ECR French 19th-Century Network Events (online, 23 Mar-26 Apr 23)

online via Zoom

[1] Expanding the Discourse: Gender & Queerness in Nineteenth-Century France [2] Power & Spectacle in France, 1800–1850

The ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network is formed of current PhD students and early career researchers working in French and Francophone nineteenth-century visual culture. We host monthly virtual events that aim to expose new research and emerging scholars engaging in exciting areas of research. We are inviting applications to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Dutch and Flemish Drawings 1500-1800 (Amsterdam, 1-2 Jun 23)

Making, Collecting, and Understanding Dutch and Flemish Drawings 1500-1800.

Appel à communication, date limite : 1er mars 2023

An international symposium celebrating Old Master Drawings on the occasion of the exhibition « The Art of Drawing: Master Drawings from the Age of Rembrandt in the Peck Collection at the Ackland Art Museum, » on view at the Rembrandt House Museum (18 March – 11 June, 2023)

Research in early modern Dutch and Flemish drawings touches on a wide variety of issues, including the study of materials and techniques; issues of attribution and oeuvre cataloging; and expanding our understanding of the provenance, collecting, and . . . → En lire plus

Provenance Research in Action: People, Tools & Practices (London, 12-16 Jun 23)

Provenance Research in Action: People, Tools & Practices (London, 12-16 Jun 23) Deadline: Mar 10, 2023

Join a week-long, hands-on, workshop on provenance research and due diligence in the earth of the London art world. Run by the Society for the History of Collecting in partnership with some of the most relevant London-based museums, libraries and academic institutions, this workshop aims to introduce students and young professionals to the tools, good practices, and best methodologies involved in researching provenance for paintings, decorative arts, books, archives, etc. Small group workshops, run by professionals in the sector, have been designed to provide an effective method of teaching of the theoretical and practical aspects of provenance research today. Applicants should send a letter of motivation (no longer than . . . → En lire plus

Appel à articles : New Perspectives on the Arts in the Salon 1815–1850

Heim François Joseph (1787-1865). Paris, musée du Louvre. INV5313.

Call for Articles: New Perspectives on the Arts in the Salon 1815–1850 Editors: Anja Bunzel, Natasha Loges, Melanie Unseld Deadline for expressions of interest: 28 February 2023

Nineteenth-century European salon culture has received attention regarding its socio-cultural impact and musical performance practices, particularly in cities like Berlin, Vienna, Paris, and Weimar. In general terms, salons were regular social gatherings in private and semi-private spaces. Their frequency, size, reach and cultural focuses could vary greatly, depending on many factors, including: the affinities, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Invertébré·e·s. Vies et formes invertébrées dans les sciences et dans les arts (Paris, 31 mai 2023)

Invertébré·e·s. Vies et formes invertébrées dans les sciences et dans les arts

Appel à communications – Journée d’étude, 31 mai 2023 Maison de la Recherche (Salle Athéna), 4 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris,

Organisé par : Chloé Pretesacque et Mayeul Victor-Pujebet Sorbonne-Nouvelle, LIRA

Certaines formes de vie peuvent être qualifiées de liminales tant elles côtoient les seuils et les frontières du vivant ; c’est le cas des vies invertébrées. Ces êtres – méduses, escargots, limaces, anémones, argonautes, poulpes… – sont « presque une qualité » (Ponge, [1942] 2008) en cela qu’ils vivent au plus près . . . → En lire plus

Nazi-era art provenance research training (Denver/online, 18-23 Jun 23)

Nazi-era art provenance research training (Denver/online, 18-23 Jun 23) University of Denver, Colorado, Jun 18–23, 2023 Deadline: Mar 19, 2023

The Center for Art Collection Ethics (ACE) at the University of Denver (DU) is pleased to announce a hybrid training program on the fundamentals of Nazi-era art provenance research, June 18–23, 2023. In partnership with DU’s Center for Professional Development, our program is geared toward graduate students in any field and emerging museum professionals, with selected streamed sessions available to the broader public. We will offer an on-campus postgraduate certificate of completion to twenty students through an application process, with generous support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. In addition, non-certificate students and other attendees may register to attend selected sessions . . . → En lire plus

FOCUS 1600. 2nd Symposium on Mannerist Architecture and Fine Arts 2023: Moments of the Irrational in German Art around 1600 (Aschaffenburg, 8-10 sept. 2023)

FOCUS 1600. 2nd Symposium on Mannerist Architecture and Fine Arts 2023: Moments of the Irrational in German Art around 1600

Call for papers Starting with pictorial and architectural production from the period around 1600 in the former electoral residence of Aschaffenburg, a series of conferences with the title « Focus 1600 » will be held. These conferences will attempt to raise the awareness of German art of this era, as well as to critically question and sharpen the profile of the concept of Mannerism from the broadest possible cultural-historical research perspective. Following the successful start in 2021, the conferences in . . . → En lire plus

Séances du séminaire La fabrique de l’art, organisé par l’INHA et la BNF

Deux prochaines séances du séminaire La fabrique de l’art, organisé par l’INHA et la BnF :
– le mardi 14 mars, de 14h à 16h en salle Walter Benjamin, rez-de-chaussée de la Galerie Colbert
Le projet AORUM et les sources techniques de la peinture, présenté par Romain Thomas et Valentina Hristova
– le jeudi 16 mars, de 16h à 18h, en salle Walter Benjamin, rez-de-chaussée de la Galerie Colbert
Le projet ArtTerm, la terminologie artistique (Italie, XVe-XVIe s.)
Il s’agit de la séance reportée du 7 février dernier


Pour mémoire, les séances du séminaire sont captées et diffusées sur la chaine YouTube de l’INHA
séance du 11 octobre, Livres de recettes, projet Colour ConText database Livres de recettes, par . . . → En lire plus