The art of Antonello da Messina was central to the development of Italian painting in the fifteenth century. Our efforts to understand the imposing work of this innovative and elusive artist are hampered both by a lack of documentation about his development and the silence of his contemporaries with regard to his life and commissions. What has been consistently stated (and misstated) concerns Antonello’s significant contribution to the use of the oil medium on panels in the Italian tradition. This conference seeks to address crucial issues in understanding Antonello’s work by featuring analyses of the material properties of the extant paintings, exploring iconographic themes that were repeatedly addressed, emphasizing the artist’s mastery of the portrait genre, and establishing a history of collecting by following the fortune of his paintings in the art market. Putting less emphasis on reconstructions of what might have been, the conference will offer considerations of the most concrete approach to Antonello by concentrating on the remarkable works that remain from his still mysterious production.
International conference organized by Michael W. Kwakkelstein and Bette Talvacchia.
Friday, October 19
14:00 Michael W. Kwakkelstein
Director’s Welcome
14:15 Antonio Natali (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence)
Antonello in Galleria
14:30 Jill Dunkerton (Conservation Department, The National Gallery, London)
Antonello da Messina and oil painting in the fifteenth century
15:00 Kristin deGhetaldi (University of Delaware/Preservation Studies)
From Egg to Oil: Assumptions, Theories, and Analytical Complications
15:30 Coffee/Tea
15:30 Roberto Bellucci (Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence)
Il restauro del Ritratto di Ignoto di Antonello da Messina
16:30 Carl Brandon Strehlke (Philadelphia Museum of Art)
The Portrait of a Man by Antonello da Messina in the Philadelphia
Museum of Art : Technical Observations based on research by Mark Tucker and Ken Sutherland
16:45 Bette Talvacchia (University of Connecticut, Department of Art and Art History)
Antonello and the Man of Sorrows
17:15 Discussion
18:00 Reception
Saturday, October 20
9:30 Coffee/Tea
10:00 Gervase Rosser (University of Oxford, St Catherine’s College, Department of the History of Art)
Antonello and the cult of icons
10:30 Elizabeth Perkins (Columbia University / Samuel H. Kress Interpretive Fellow, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
‘Sì bone che par vive’: Antonello’s Faces
11:00 Coffee/Tea
11:30 Jeroen Stumpel (Utrecht University, Department of History and Art History)
Quattrocento Foreshortening and the Art of Antonello
12:00 Francesca Marini (International Studies Institute, Florence/Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London)
Transactions: Antonello and the Art Market
12:30 Discussion and concluding remarks
Dutch University Institute for Art History
Viale Torricelli 5
I-50125 Firenze
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