Type : Colloque international
Date : 1 – 2 juin 2017
Lieu : Grande Bretagne, Sheffield, University of Sheffield, Humanities Research Institute
Habitual Behavior in early modern Europe 1500 – 1750
June 1st
10:30 – 11:30: Registration
11:30 – 13:00: Sex, Lust, and Desire
Dr Harry Cocks, Nottingham University: Habituation and Lust in Seventeenth and Early-Eighteenth- century England.
Dr Vincenzo Lagioia, University of Bologna: “Non solamente le lettere in cathedra ma ancora li buoni costumi”. Virtuosic Actions and Public Morality in the Seventeenth-Century: the Pisan Studio and the Rector Sodomite.
Mr Tommaso Scaramella, University of Bologna: «Per mottivi naturali». The Regulation of Sexual Habits in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century Venice.
11:30 – 13:00: Communication
Dr Hillary Taylor, University of Cambridge: Conversational Interruption as Habit in Early Modern England.
Dr Soile Ylivuori, Queen Mary University of London: Politeness as Bodily Habituation: Women, Nature, and Identity in Eighteenth-century England.
Miss Annika Raapke, Oldenburg University: In-habiting the 18th century French Caribbean.
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 16:00: Health and Medicine
Mr Michael Walkden, University of York: Habitual Evacuation in Early Modern England.
Mr Taylor Meredith, University or Birmingham: The Pathology of Climate: Airs, Places, and Habits in Early Modern England.
Ms Lara Thorpe, Royal Holloway – University of London: ‘Pills, potions and preservatives’: Habits of Health during the Great Plague of 1665.
Dr Clodagh Tait, University of Limerick: ‘Keep your head cool by temperance and your feet warm by exercise’: The Habits of Early Modern British and Irish Centenarians.
14:00 – 16:00: Everyday Life
Dr Riitta Laitinen, University of Turku: Doors, Gates and Windows as Locations of Routine and Habit in a Swedish/Finnish Town.
Dr Mark Hailwood, University of Exeter: The Working Day in Early Modern England.
Miss Suzanne Baverez, École normale supérieure (ENS) Paris: The Bamboccianti: Painters of Everyday Life.
Dr Karin Sennefelt, Stockholm University: Discernment and Disregard: Visual Habits in Seventeenth Century Stockholm.
16:00 – 16:30: Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00: Keynote: Sasha Handley.
19:30: Botanist restaurant
June, 2nd
09:00 – 09:45: registration and coffee
09:45 – 11:15: Recreation
Miss Johanna Ferket, University of Antwerp: ‘Een vijand van’t dobbelen en speelen’. Gambling in Seventeenth-century Comic Theatre of the Low Countries
Mrs Florence Fesneau, Sorbonne University: From Habitus to Concept: The Camouflet
Dr Louise Wilson, Liverpool Hope University: ‘After dynner, talke a while,/After supper, walke a mile.’: Mealtimes and Recreational Reading in Sixteenth-century England.
09:45 – 11:15: Record keeping
Ms Catherine Evans, University of Sheffield Accounting for Time in Early Modern Almanacs.
Dr Anne Myers, University of Missouri: « Make thy accounts agree”: The Spiritual and Financial Records of Ralph Josselin.
Ms Elsbeth den Braber, Utrecht University: Materiality and Scope of Habits in the Verse Books of the Chamber of Rhetoric in Veere.
11:15 – 11:30: Coffe break
11:30 – 13:00: Consumption
Miss Blanche Llaurens, University of Poitiers: «La Désolation de la bouteille»: Drinking Habits in Seventeenth-century France Prints.
Dr Will Tullet, King’s College London: ‘Their noses are so habitually turned upwards’: Habituation, New Consumables, and the History of Smell, 1660-1750.
Mr Alex Taylor, University of Sheffield: Leafy Habits: The Informal Spread of Tobacco in Early Modern England.
11:30 – 13:00: Habitual Prayer
Dr Ceri Sullivan, Cardiff University: How Habit Lets you Move from Set to Inspired Prayer.
Miss Fannie CaronRoy, Montréal University: Repetition for Salvation in Counter-Reformation Rome: Cardinal Altemps’ Daily Prayers in his Studiolo.
Mr Martin Walker, Lancaster University: “Christian Wisdom may be defined to be that habit of mind whereby a man is inabled to propose the true end of eternal blessedness”: A Religion of Habit in Restoration England?
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30: Feeling and Emotion
Miss Nicoletta Taurian, University of Trieste: Habitual Practices to Prevent Emotional Disorders in Renaissance Medicine (1500-1600).
Miss Kate Gath, University of Sheffield: ‘Little pastime upon Earth without Bodies’: Platonic Love, William Davenant and Relationship Habits in the Seventeenth-Century Masque.
Mr Robert Stearn, Birkbeck – University of London: Idle and Unprofitable Drones: Habitual Apathy in Early Modern England.
14:00 – 15:30: Study
Dr Julie Robin Solomon, Keypoint Health Services: When Addiction Becomes a Habit: Early Modern Concerns about Fixated Thought.
Mr Charles Johnson, Princeton Theological Seminary: Habits to Form Humanists: Heinrich Bullinger’s
Ms Hannah Jeans, University of York: Women’s Reading Habits and the Feminine Self in Seventeenth-Century England.
15:30 – 16:00: Coffe break
16:00 – 17:30: Keynote: Steven Shapin
17:30: Wine reception
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