“Hileia Amazônica” at MASP : observation on art and ecology in the 1970’s in Brazil
The present paper will focus on the exhibition “Hileia Amazônica”, curated by Pietro Maria Bardi in 1972 at the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP). It will read the event as an attempt to take a critical position regarding the nationalistic and developmental propaganda of the military dictatorship in Brazil, and most precisely, as a critique on the construction of the Transamazônia road, initiated in 1970. The article will look closely into the series of photographs produced by Claudia Andujar and George Love, which were an important part of the show, discussing its status as image, and particularly its animistic structure. Finally, we will consider the exhibition in the wider context of the birth of environmental movement in Brazil.
Après sa thèse à la Freie Universität de Berlin et divers post-doctorats au Courtauld Institute of Art et l’université de Campinas (Brésil), Claudia Mattos est devenue en 2002 professeur (Professor Livre-Docente) dans cette dernière université. Elle vient d’être élue présidente du Comitê Brasileiro de Historia da Arte et dirigera en 2014-2015 le projet « Expanding Art History : Teaching Non-European Art at Unicamp », financé par la Getty Fondation through the Connecting Art Histories Program. Ses travaux ont porté, entre autres, sur Winckelmann, sur le peintre Lasar Segall, sur Goethe, Hackert et la peinture de paysage en Europe et au Brésil.
Conférence de Claudia Mattos (University of Campinas, Brazil) Mardi 29 octobre 2013 à 18h
Galerie Colbert
Salle Walter Benjamin
2, rue Vivienne ou 6 rue des Petits-Champs
75002 Paris
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