Conférence : « Objects From Abroad » (New York, 25 avril 2013)

Objects From Abroad. The Life of Exotic Goods in France and the United States (18th-20th Centuries)

New York, 25 avril 2013





9 h 15 – 9 h 30: Noémie Etienne, Introduction

9 h 30- 10 h 30: Objets sauvages
Manuel Charpy (CNRS), Exchanges of Times: Curio Hunting and Market of Archaic Goods between France and United States (19th Century)
Yaëlle Biro (Metropolitan Museum), Crossing Boundaries: The Trade in African Art and Commercial Practices at the Turn of the 20th Century
Monique Jeudy-Ballini (CNRS) & Brigitte Derlon (EHESS), Domesticating while Keeping Wild. On French Collectors of “Primitive Art”

10 h 30 – 11 h 00: Discussion

11 h 00 – 11 h 20: Break

11 h 20 – 12 h 20: From Place to Display
Fred Myers (Anthropology, NYU), Paintings, Publics and Protocols. A Problem of Aboriginal Art
Hannah S. Fullgraf (Dallas Museum of Art), The Journey of a Kwakwaka’wakw House Post from British Columbia to Paris
Jean-François Staszak (University of Geneva) & Jean Estebanez (University Paris Est Créteil), Western Zoological Gardens and the Objectification / Exoticization of Human and non-Human Animals

12 h 20 – 12 h 50: Discussion

12 h 50-14 h 20: Lunch break

14 h 20 – 15 h 40: Travelling Appearances
Madeleine Dobie (French Studies, Columbia University), Furniture, Culture and Commerce in C18 France
Rustem Ertug Altinay (Department of Performance Studies, NYU), The Daughters of the Republic on the Catwalk. Turkey’s diplomatic fashion shows in France and the United States
Mei Mei Rado (Bard Graduate Center, New York), The Hybrid Orient: Japonisme and Nationalism in the Takashimaya Mandarin Robes
Lauren Benetua (Marist-Lorenzo de’Medici, Florence), Imperial Collecting and Pacific Adaptations: On Textiles, Cloth and Clothing

15 h 40 – 16 h 10: Discussion

Place: CNRS NYU Center for International Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. 4 Washington Square North, New York, 10003 – Phone: +1-212-992-7488

Please register by April 19 at

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