2 Doctoral Positions, University of Bern
University of Bern, Institute of Art History, February 1, 2021 – December 31, 2024
Application deadline: Sep 1, 2020
Within the SNSF-funded interdisciplinary “Sinergia” research project ‘Mediating the Ecological Imperative: Formats and Modes of Engagement’, we are offering a doctoral position for 47 months, starting 1 February 2021. Your specialization should be in the field of Art History / Image Studies, in an area related to the subproject “Political Geo-Aesthetics of the Anthropocene: The Production and Distribution of Paradigmatic Visual Formulae Representing Human Impacts on Earth” (Prof. Dr. Peter Krieger). The participation in the activities of the project as well as residency in Bern are expected.
For further information see:
The successful candidate should have an outstanding MA degree in Art History and have a strong interest in developing a dissertation project related to Image Studies within an interdisciplinary trajectory (including besides Art History, three other disciplines: Image Studies, North American Literatures and Social Anthropology). A strong engagement in a wide range of collaborative activity under the umbrella project is expected.
Ideally, the doctoral student will already have worked in the field of contemporary political iconography and environmental aesthetics. In addition to the training as art historian, she or he would have a background in Visual Studies (Bildwissen-schaft) or Visual Anthropology and an explicit interest in Environmental History. The doctoral student will write the dissertation at University of Bern and will be supervised together by first advisor Prof. Peter Krieger (UNAM Mexico) and second advisor Prof. Dr. Schneemann (University of Bern).
A requirement for a successful application is very good English. Spanish would additionally be helpful. The deadline for applications is 1 September 2020.
The interviews will take place in Bern on 18 September 2020, 2–6pm.
Please send your application containing a detailed CV, information on publications (if applicable), copies of obtained degrees, a short description of your research project, a writing sample (a chapter of the MA thesis or an article), and the contact details of two professional referees to the following email address and postal address: krieger@unam.mx and peter.schneemann@ikg.unibe.ch
Peter Krieger, Ph.D., Research Professor
Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, C.U.
Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
C.P. 04510
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Schneemann
Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History
Institut of Art History
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern
For any further questions and requests, please contact: Dr. Toni Hildebrandt
Within the SNSF-funded interdisciplinary “Sinergia” research project ‘Mediating the Ecological Imperative: Formats and Modes of Engagement’, we are offering a doctoral position for 47 months, starting 1 February 2021. Your specialization should be in the field of modern and contemporary art, in an area related to the subproject “Formations of the Ethical Imperative: From Postmodernity to Relational Aesthetics and the Contemporary Period, 1960–2019” (Prof. Dr. Peter J. Schneemann). The participation in the activities of the project as well as residency in Bern are expected.
For further information see:
The successful candidate should have an outstanding MA degree in Modern and Contemporary Art History and have a strong interest in developing a dissertation project related to modern and contemporary art within an interdisciplinary trajectory (including besides Modern and Contemporary Art History, three other disciplines: Image Studies, North American Literatures and Social Anthropology). A strong engagement in a wide range of collaborative activity under the umbrella project is expected.
Ideally, the doctoral student will already have worked in the field of Modern and Contemporary Art History and environmental aesthetics. In addition to the training as art historian, she or he would ideally have a background in Visual Studies, Visual or Social Anthropology or North American Literatures. The doctoral student will write the dissertation at University of Bern and will be supervised together by first advisor Prof. Dr. Schneemann (University of Bern) and second advisor Prof. Peter Krieger (UNAM Mexico).
A requirement for a successful application is very good English. The application deadline is 1 September 2020.
Interviews will take place in Bern on 18 September 2020, 2-6pm.
Please send your application containing a detailed CV, information on publications (if applicable), copies of obtained degrees, a short description of your research project, a writing sample (a chapter of the MA thesis or an article), and the contact details of two professional referees to the following email address and postal address: peter.schneemann@ikg.unibe.ch
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Schneemann
Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History
Institut of Art History
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern
For any further questions and requests, please contact: Dr. Toni Hildebrandt
Source : https://arthist.net/archive/23419
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