Journée d’étude : « That Venice That Made Bellini » (York, 20 novembre 2015)

bellini_miracleThe Venice That Made Bellini

(York, 20 Nov 15) Kings Manor, University of York, Exhibition Square, York, UK, November 20, 2015

Most historians agree that Venice was at the height of its economic might during the first half of the fifteenth century, sending galleys on numerous shipping routes which poured rivers of gold into its patrician hands. Venice’s attention, however, was not limited to trade. During the span of three doges (Michele Steno, Tommaso Mocenigo and Francesco Foscari), Venice ferociously expanded into Italy’s mainland, rejecting the non-interventionist approach that it had maintained for centuries. With new land, needs and pressures, society and culture rapidly changed. And yet, the history of art has mostly remained silent about this frantic period. What forms of artistic and architectural culture did Venice privilege in the first half of the Quattrocento? And why have they remained mostly invisible? By bringing together a number of international scholars, this workshop intends to both reveal new evidence and to ask questions about the ways by which Venice mobilised artworks and architectural works in the early Quattrocento. The workshop is free. Graduate and post-doc students are particularly welcome. To secure a place write to or phone the History of Art Department 01904 322 978. (From abroad +44 1904 322 978)


10.05    Liz Prettejohn, Greetings

10.15    Emanuele Lugli, Venice’s Cultural Energies, 1400- 1451. An Introduction.

10.45    Giorgio Tagliaferro, Before the Bellini: Painters, Workshops and Market Strategies in Early Fifteenth-Century Venice

11.15    Coffee break

11.30    Donal Cooper, Lovro Dobricevic and the Legacy of Venetian Gothic Painting in Dalmatia

12.00    Silvia Fumian, From Late Gothic to the Renaissance through Humanism: Venetian Manuscript Illumination, 1400-1450

12.30    Lunch break

14.00    Daniel Wallace Maze, Young Giovanni Bellini

14.30    Peter Humfrey, Antonio Vivarini’s ‘St Peter Martyr’ Polyptych

15.00    Caroline Campbell, Bellini and the Santo

15.30    Tea break

15.45    Roundtable discussion, with Beverly Louise Brown and Amanda Lillie

16.45    Conclusions


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