Parution : « Connecting Art Markets »

Sandra van Ginhoven, Connecting Art Markets : Guilliam Forchondt’s Dealership in Antwerp (c.1632–78) and the Overseas Paintings Trade, Leyde : Brill, 2017


288 p., ill. couleurs

ISBN : 9789004319745

Prix : 135 €

Pour découvrir l’ouvrage sur le site de l’éditeur, cliquez ici

Based on Guilliam Forchondt’s surviving business documentation in Antwerp and applying an aggregate and data-driven approach, Connecting Art Markets focuses on the role of art dealers in mediating the supply and demand for art, behaving in particular ways as to influence the markets for artworks in which they were strategically invested. Van Ginhoven presents her findings on Guilliam Forchondt’s workshop production volumes and transatlantic art trade flows, and evaluates the relationship between the production of paintings in the Southern Netherlands, their local, regional and overseas distribution channels, and the markets for these works in Europe and the Americas during the seventeenth century.


1er chapitre : Art dealers as Cultural Agents: The Case of Guilliam Forchondt

2e chapitre : The Southern Netherlands Factor in the Transatlanctic Paintings

3e chapitre :The Forchondt Business Model

4e chapitre : Marketing Paintings through their Characteristics

5e chapitre : The Long-Distance Commercial Network with Spain and the Americas

6e chapitre : Dealer Behavior in spain and the Americas

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