Posté par Sebastien Chauffour, le 18 octobre 2016;
- Date et lieu du colloque : 20-21 octobre 2016, Paris (INHA, salle Vasari)
The focus of the conference is to explore the changing and complex nature of the role of agent in the art market during the Modern Period. Papers will explore shifts in the dynamics of the market, the changing taste of collectors and the importance of writers, critics, museum curators and dealers in influencing these changes. The papers demonstrate how examining the role of agents through their correspondence with clients, day books or private records, bring new insights into the workings of the art world through the detailed evidence of how transactions were negotiated.
9.30 Registration 10.00 Welcome
10.10 Dr. Olivier Bonfait, Professor of Art History, University of . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Sebastien Chauffour, le 10 février 2016;
- Date et lieu du colloque : 1-2 avril 2016, Londres (National Gallery)

The National Gallery, in association with the University of Manchester, presents a two-day international conference on the interactions between art dealers and museums (1-2 April 2016 – London, National Gallery, Sainsbury Wing, Lecture Theatre)
An array of experienced professionals, established scholars, and emerging researchers explore the complex, complementary and conflicting associations between art dealers and museums.
The conference has its origins in the acquisition of the Thos. Agnew & Sons archive by the National Gallery. Although focused on the London and British art market in the late 19th century, papers are spread across a range of geographical areas and extend to the present time, establishing connections and . . . → En lire plus
Équipe Rédacteur en chef : Olivier Bonfait.
Rédacteurs : Elliot Adam (Moyen Age) ; Nicolas Ballet (XX-XXIe siècles) ; Matthieu Fantoni (musées) ; Antonella Fenech Kroke (bourses) ; Vladimir Nestorov (Lettre mensuelle)
Administrateur web : Matthieu Lett.
ancien éditeur : Pascale Dubus
anciens rédacteurs : Gautier Anceau, Sébastien Bontemps, Damien Bril ; Sébastien Chauffour ; Ludovic Jouvet ; Aude Prigot