Bourse recherche postdoctorale sur le textile avant 1800

University of Bern, Institute of Art History, History of Textile Arts. Post-doctoral research and teaching position available (non tenure-track), starting 1 August, 2023 (or as agreed) for two years (with an option for extension). Specialization should be in the field of the History of Textile Arts before 1800, preferably in an area complementing the research activities and teaching of the program. The successful candidate will carry out research in her or his chosen field and work closely with the Chair of the History of Textile Arts in terms of teaching, research, and administrative services.

The successful candidate should have an outstanding PhD degree (or should be in the very last phase of her or his PhD) in the History of Textile Arts and have a strong interest in . . . → En lire plus

Séminaire – « Teintures naturelles ou colorants de synthèse ? » : Au cœur des manufactures lainières européennes (13 mars 2019, Paris)

Gian Batta Moccafy, Esposizione delle manifatture di Francia, Inghiltera ed Olanda, ca. 1767 ; Paris, Bibliothèque Forney clichés : Marie-Anne Sarda

Gian Batta Moccafy, Esposizione delle manifatture di Francia, Inghiltera ed Olanda, ca. 1767 ; Paris, Bibliothèque Forney clichés : Marie-Anne Sarda

Partie prenante de la culture européenne, la pratique du voyage par les lettrés et les artistes est bien connue ; les voyages des entrepreneurs le sont moins. Corine Maitte présentera le voyage effectué en 1766-67 en France, Angleterre, Pays-Bas autrichiens, Provinces-Unies et terres d’Empire par le marchand piémontais Gian Batta Moccafy. . . . → En lire plus